Twin Cities Dopefest, anyone?

Yep. Don’t I get some kind of Purple Doper Heart or something?

One more thing…peruse this: The menu at Cecil’s deli. My favorite is Some Like It Hot (Fnd it on the Hot Stuff page, although the Attazoy on the Cold Stuff page comes in a close second.)

Oh, God, I gotta get back there.


Alright, so far I have

Most creative user name ever
Captain Lance Murdoch
Keith T

Eighteen, give or take, plus misc spouses, children.

I guess we’ll get a firmer number the closer we get to the actual date.

I’m thinking about making the reservations about 5-6 PM? Any other suggestions, or better ideas?

Ah, I would absolutely love this…but…


I don’t drive, so that is impossible for me.

Anybody interested in an alternate something a little more…Saint Paulish?

Big things scare me anyway, so maybe just a few of us can meet up at some point?

I for sure can’t make it on the 20th. We have a wedding to go to. Hopefully I can make the next one work!

Who can come if they want? The serial killers?

I’m at the U during working hours. But my kids are at the JCC, and this is the season of Jewish holidays, so I will be home a bit. I’ll shoot you an email when I’ll be around. I’m too Irish to know when those Jewish holidays actually are. I would have to tote a kid or two along.

hey wait, would Cecil’s be open on a Jewish holiday?

Bump. For the 'just check the 'dope on the weekend" folks.

We (Brainiac4 and I) will be out of town that weekend - with our lovely children.

Sorry to hear that Dangerosa, McUne.

Kneepants, I can come pick you up, I promise I’m not a serial killer. well, not on Saturdays, that’s my day off.

I just made reservations for 18 at Maggianos on the 20th. I made them for 3PM, because they didn’t want to have reservations for such a large group on a Saturday night. If someone wants to think of something afterwards, go for it.

It’d be great to get harder numbers the closer we get.

Any other dopers lurking out there?

A link for the reluctant.

That’s an excellent idea.

It’s time for another PorkDope!
That was a good time.

Well anyhoo, we’re 53% sure to be there for the 20th.

If this is still going, it appears that I will be able to attend. The Lovely and Talented Mrs. Shodan will not make it, but Maggiano’s, Oct. 20, 3:00pm. for me.


Are the reservations in the name of Cecil Adams, fisha, or what?


Cecil Adams, but of course.

I’ll see you guys at 3:00 and it looks like I’ll be bringing Kneepants with me.

Ooh. I just got the PM from fisha, I had missed this thread the whole time. I have to check the calendar at home as we just signed up the kids for skating lessons, cub scouts, and girl scouts and it’s requiring a bit more organization than I think I have. But I’d really like to get there.

Cecil’s is open 365 days a year. It’s my SO’s family’s restaurant (he’s the waiter/manager there). It’s not too kosher there as he brings me home the spicy reuben from time to time (cheese and meat together.) It’s funny, until this thread, I never put the Cecil’s Deli/Cecil Adams thing together.

I didn’t put that together in my head until post #54.

Bummer. I had to read back into the thread. I was hoping to see Dio in his Vikings jacket and Angus Young style kneepants.

Only a couple of more days, folks.

The list so far:

CPT Lance Murdock-maybe

I think my husband is coming, we have another party on that date, but he’s vaguely interested in this.

If anyone else is coming or SO’s, etc, let me know. If you can’t make it, let me know that as well.

We’re at 19 as of right now.

I’ll probably pick up some name tags- anything else I should think of?

I’ll be there sans The Kid.
She’ll be gone until Sunday afternoon. w00t!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like I will be able to make it.

There are usually four of us scheduled on Saturday nights, so calling in sick to take off isn’t a problem. But two people are off for vacation that night, so we’re down to two. I have to check on who the other individual working with me is, because if it’s who I think it is, then I might be perfectly fine with calling in sick and leaving the lazy fuck to work it alone.

I’m available to give anyone a ride that needs one. I live in Highland Park in Saint Paul.

Is this place right in southdale? Or just near it?