Two Hoosier women clobber men with cook pots, one fatally

As Cecil said, it doesn’t happen very often.
However, there are two stories in today’s Indianapolis Star in which women clanged on men with cookware. In one, a Noblesville woman is suspected of beating her boyfriend to death with a kitchen pot.

On the next page is a story of a thief in Muncie who tried to steal a woman’s golf clubs. She grabbed a 10-inch cooking pot, and she chased him down. “I started beating him with it. He asked for it,” she said. The badly bruised suspect, Timothy A. Simison, is now in the Delaware County Jail.

She makes some killer barbecue sauce, I’ve heard, and a mean marinara. Her pot roast will take you to your knees. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder, if someone steals something from you, and they’re running away but you chase them down… Is that really self-defense? Admittedly he only got bruised.

I’m not a lawyer, but I have the impression that it isn’t self-defense to chase down a thief and beat on him until he gives back your golf clubs. You might say he was armed with a bag of cudgels, but there’s no sign he tried to use them. He was fleeing, so he was no threat to the lady with her cookpot. I can’t imagine any court convicting her or awarding damages to the crackhead.

Did you mean to say it’s not really allowed, but wouldn’t be prosecuted?

Yes. I do mean that the lady in her nightgown, clanging on the golf club thief will probably not be prosecuted, even though her creative use of cookware was probably illegal by the letter of the law. We elect county prosecutors this year, and prosecuting Ms. Sabrena Davis for her adventure would cost the prosecutor some votes

I backtracked to the Muncie Star-Press to find a link to the full story.

No cite becuase it was pre internet but an ex-coworker of mine was in a similar situation, we will call him Ted. He and four of his little 15-16 year old gangster friends tried to mug a couple guys outside a liquor store for their booze. The two 20 something victims proceeded to knock the snot out of them. The three capable of running did so and the victims gave chase for several blocks before Ted stopped to try and scare them off with his gun. Apparently the victims turned aggressors underestimated his willingness to shoot and charged. One of them died the other backed down when his friend got shot.

Ted spent several years in jail convicted murder but a later appeal freed him for time served based apparently on the point that he did not use the gun until he himself was in fear of his own life well after breaking off any aggressive moves on his part…

I by no means condone what Ted did. As far as I am concerned if he hadn’t initiated the first confrontation nobody would have died. He was a little criminal already and it was just a matter of time before someone got hurt.

I worked with him up until this happened. Needless to say our employer was not interested in him returning to work once word got out.