"Tyranny of the Minority"

BET, yet no WET. Black History Month, but no White History Month. Puerto Rican Day parade, but no White Day Parade.

Trust me I dont hate these people. I just dont know why I’m considered racist for being proud of my Irish, white descent and they’re not for being proud of their African, black descent or Hispanic, dark-skinned descent.

Can anyone give me an answer?

Umm… St. Patrick’s Day?

I’m not touching this one…

Is that tarpal?

Er, I’m proud of my white, British (and Canadian) descent, and I’ve never been called racist… perhaps you just go about it the wrong way? If, for example, you say “I’m Irish, therefore I’m better than you.” That’s different than saying “I love being Irish!”

Just a thought.

This post will last a nano second in the GQ, but what the hey! :wink:

There are several radio and tv programs with . …uh . .WET type of programing.

I second the answer: Ever heard of St. Patrick’s Day.

Also, in Texas at least, we have celebrations for German, Chezch culture, etc.


Do you have a question? One that has a possible factual answer? I thought not. I’m sure the helpful mods will be along shortly to move this to a more appropriate forum.

Moderator’s Note: Actually, I think I’m just going to close it.

Sinful, please read the forum descriptions more carefully.