have something I´d like to ask you all.
Why do we hide sex, and sexual activites to such extent as we do from our children/teenagers?
What is so terrible about sex and sexual actions?
Ok … what do we know about sex?
Sex is something that we humans do, both for pleasure and to have children.
Sex is a VERY big part of human relations and all in all is a very “positive” thing when both of the indviduals participating really know what they are doing.
When things are done “correctly” we have a very small chance of conception and that makes sex a truly good “hobby” since it´s not something that damages your body (drugs) or hurts you in any other way, yet still gives an immence satisfaction and well being, same effect as drugs … but totally harmless and nice, therefore making drugs a lot less “appealing”.
Sex gives immence pleasure and satisfaction … makes emotional bonds very strong and is all in all a very good thing.
Sex can also bring "undecired babies and sex deceases … but that happens mostly because of “ignorane” concerning sex.
The main problem we have with “underage sex” is that children really don´t know what they are dealing with.
They rush into sex because sex is looked apon as “taboo” and therefore is very exiting and fun to do. Everything that is"naughty" and “forbidden” is truly an exciting thing at this age, so by hiding sex from children/teenagers, we are making it very exiting for them, and something they “must!” try out.
Nowadays, it´s really common to see a movie with lots and lots of killing, but very mild sex scenes, cause somehow the sex scenes are considered a lot more “taboo” then to see people ripping heads of each other.
In most cases, sex is a really beutiful thing, but we strife to hide it as much as possible.
If we would stop treating sex as a “bad” thing and instead educate and encourage children/teenagers to watch “sex scenes” which are “tasteful”, then I think this would be a lot less exiting thing for our young ones… and instead a lot more of a thing they would try to “make perfect” instead of going out and trying to experience this as soon as possible, with almost anyone … so they wouldn´t have to be the only one who hasn´t “done” it yet.
Most kids and teenagers hurry so much … cause this is such a big thing in their eyes since it’s so “taboo”, that they try to get it over with so they are “grown up” in the eyes of their friends.
This all happens because of how we make childen precieve sex.
If we would change the atmosphere and stop treating sex as something “forbidden” or “something that shouln´t be talked about - experienced until a certain age” … and started treating it like "something we encourage, but put strong emphasis on that they do it “correctly” with someone they really want to make “strong emotional ties” with, then I would think that the “underage sex” problem would cut down severly.
Remember … nothing is more exiting at this age then something “only grown-ups” do and is “forbidden” for those who are younger.
And remember … sex deseases are so common since young people rush into having sex, with anyone … cause in their eyes … sex is a thing they “should not be doing” and then it´s something “naughty” and they would really like to do it with someone “naughty” … or it has a certain charm for them … specially young girls (the known “bab boy” appeal).
So all in all … I think if would really try to percieve sex in a different matter … It could really make a difference for our young ones.
I apologize if there are a lot of grammatical/spelling errors … I’m not from an english speaking country.
Pleace tell me your views on this subject.