Recently a friend left a voice message for me while she was driving. She later explained that she put the phone down on the middle console after she was done, but hadn’t realized the line remained open.
That explained the funny-ass ranting I heard on the really, really long message that was left on my voice mail.
I let her listen to it a few days later and we laughed our asses off. She was talking to herself in the car, among other things, about the errands she needed to run, how she needed to go here before going there because over here they close earlier than over there, and why the hell do they have to close so early over there?
We had a good laugh over it and she recalled that a few months back, her BF left her a voice mail message and lo and behold, he did the same thing but after putting down the cell phone, her voice mail captured a background rant about her from his mother.
My friend said it wasn’t the mom’s crabbing that ended up really bugging her, it was that she did not hear the boyfriend dealing with his mother while she ranted about her.
The ‘unintentional message’ thing has happened to me a few more times here and there, and although I did hear some things that were funny, mundane, boring or just plain strange or unintelligible, nothing really remarkable.
Has anyone ever left a voice message for you, thought they disconnected the call but didn’t, then continued talking, allowing your voice mail to capture things they may not have meant for you to hear?
If so, what was said, and did you let the person who called you know about it later on?