Unintentionally Disgusting...

I had the same thing happen in college, only with a bottle of Pace picante sauce. I think it got left out for a while(lazy assed roommate), then got put in the fridge for a week or two, where it must have somehow fermented without spoiling. I poured some in a bowl, got a good scoop worth on a tortilla chip and ate it. I remember thinking “Weird… it tastes almost alcoholic, and like it’s carbonated. Wait… it’s fermented. That’s kind of gross, even if it’s not going to make me sick.”

So I went and offered some to my roommate(who ate it, and made a terrible face), and then threw the bottle out.

What’s worse then finding a worm in your apple?

Finding half a worm…

I once bit into an english muffin that was covered in mold. Chewed it up a few times before noticing the awful taste. Didn’t puke though.

The Holocaust.

Good God, Godwin’s Law is real!

One time, when I was around that same age, I was eating popcorn and playing with a pill bug. Bleargh.

This thread is making me queasy.

Last night I wanted something sweet, so I start looking in the fridge. Oh, Cool Whip! I forgot we had that! I take a big old spoonful, put it in my mouth…yup, it’s totally spoiled and rank. Blargh.

I took a swig from a soda can that I had earlier used as an ashtray.

Cut that meeting short!

Yep, my father did that after helping himself to a big pile from the all-you-can-eat buffet.

Mine would be when a friend was giving out items at Christmas. It looked like a cookie so being compulsive when it comes to eating, I immediately take a bite. Turned out to be a cinnamon clay ornament.

Years ago, the Mrs. and I went crabbing on the Patuxent river, and brought home a LOT of yummy crabs.

I spent hours picking 'em, and filling a container with choice backfin meat, to use to make crab cakes.

Following a recipe, I accidentally used baking soda instead of baking powder.

They looked and smelled marvelous, but they tasted like crab-flavored alka-seltzer.

It was to cry over.

That has to be the saddest story I’ve ever heard…
And now I want crabcakes!

[woot! my first two-page thread!]

I go into cafeteria way back in high school. They’ve served a scoop of ice cream on prior occasions, but usually would scoop it into one of those little round cardboard containers, today they just drop the scoop onto one of the tray partitions.

I eat the rest of my food and then take a spoonful of [del]ice cream[/del] pthooowie! Ick! Mashed potatoes! Warm mashed potatoes when you’re expecting cold vanilla ice cream is not a pleasant experience.

When I was a kid my mother used to buy Tab and Diet Pepsi for herself. We were rather poor, so soda was a luxury and us kids were only allowed nasty Shasta or Fanta on special occasions.

So, naturally, we would snark mom’s special soda whenever she turned her back. One day I lurked into the kitchen and found, to my great delight, that mom had left a nice glass of Diet Pepsi on the counter. I took a huge gulp and as I was swallowing thought “something is verrrrrry wrong!”

Tired of having her soda disappear, Mom had filled the glass full of Worcestershire sauce and put some ice cubes in the glass. Sneaky!

So you’re saying that you and Mrs. Mercotan went down to the river and gave each other crabs?

Your mom is my hero, Jennshark. It reminds me of the brief period when Crystal Pepsi was still being sold and my mom would buy it without us knowing about it and then tell us she was drinking water when we asked what she had in her glass, knowing we wouldn’t want any.