Check this out!!!
Well… Start BBQing!
must there be an and?
551 signatures? Jeez, he might as well just concede the election now.
Pretty much, yeah.
It just started! People need to know about it.
People, please grow up. hey, I’m not voting for the man next election, but this website against him sounds childish.
And when I said people grow up, I didn’t mean those in this board.
Are you ranting against the website, or against Bush?
Against Bush. I just finished “Bush’s Brain”, and I haven’t stopped having nightmares.
One reason the Republicans are successful is that they united behind their candidate. The Democrats seem to bicker amongst themselves. This must change in the next election or there will be .Four More Wars .
Four more wars? I can see three more:
3)North Korea
But what is the fourth going to be? France? Sweden (payback for not helping in WW2!) I don’t think we’ll try Canada again, but New Zealand is nice, I hear. Who will be the 4th victiom of The Grand Daemon Bush and his unstoppable campaign of bloodlust?
No I think it is going to be Canada. They are going to make that “killer weed” illegal. That, and the have those…Gays!!!
carver42, re-read the registration agreement. Specifically, pay attention to this part:
I’m closing this thread as being Unworthy. If you wish to open another thread, flaming Bush in your own words, go ahead.
For the Straight Dope