Unrefrigerated milk (spoilers ahead)

We recently completed a vacation to Colorado to see the in-laws, or rather let them see our little 'un, a two year old walking smile with curls.

Things can get lost in a car over the course of an 800 mile journey. Normally that’s not a problem. Puzzles and books will turn up later. Then there’s the missing sippy cups of milk.

I don’t consider myself a practicing or full-blown masochist, just when foul odors are involved. Why in God’s name I took the lid off and sniffed to see if that 3 or 4 day old milk was “okay” is a question I’ll never be able to satisfactorily answer.

Ever seen a nose do isometrics? Mine started twitching like a bunny’s in a pepper factory and I’m afeared it may have become muscle bound from the sheer volume of exercise.

The last time you caught an unpleasant “whiff” involved…

“I wonder if the dog crate needs cleaning out?”
Yes. Yes it does. Oh god in heaven it does.

“I wonder if that disgusting whiff I just got comes from this toddler’s diaper?”

To quote the bard, "Yes. Yes it does. Oh God in heaven it does."

…involved a man not changing his socks for a week. “No, I am not interested in making love when you have stink-foot. The smell of rotting gook between your toes is not a turn-on.”

:: Yak :: GKW, that’s hideous.

…involved rotten feta cheese. It’s smelly to begin with. Even worse when it’s really old. Did you know that it kind of gels together into one huge mass instead of being crumbly?

:: shudder ::

My friend doesn’t keep a very clean room… really you could say it’s chaotic. Clothes are strewn about, books are everywhere, and new things are always being thrown into the mess.

Usually it’s not a huge problem, but one day we found an old chocolate milk bottle that must’ve been sitting around for at least a couple of months. The little amount of milk that was left over, which probably seemed inconsequential at the time, had actually turned to a solid.

I’m not sure exactly what drove us to sniff it, but we went ahead and did it. And oh. my. God. That’s not just the last bad odor experience I have, but it was the worst ever. Have you ever smelled something so rank, so disgusting, that you just want to run to the bathroom and hurl your guts out? Well that’s what this was like, and I’m sure I would’ve actually done that if I’d taken in any more.

My poor friend though… he wasn’t as cautious.

Unrefrigerated Limburger.


Last spring Leo the cat left a dead mouse by the front door. I kicked it onto the front lawn. 3 days later I stepped on the dead mouse that had now began decomposing and had blown up like a balloon. It even popped when I stepped on it. My shoe of choice that day was a pair of Nike running shoes, the kind with the foam rubber soles. The smell at that time was pretty ripe, I scooped up the remnants with a shovel and threw it in the garbage. Later, I went in the house and ate some lunch. My wife complained of a strong nasty odor. I said something about the mouse and removed my shoe and took a whiff. The gag reflex hit immediately. I ran to the bathroom, the dry heaves making it difficult. I recovered after a few minutes and did not lose my lunch. The formerly perfectly good shoes went into the trash.

You think I would have know from the OP not to read this thread but no I ignored my better instincts and did.

WARNING - Pregnancy, morning sickness and icky smell threads to not a combination make!

Once I found an extremely dead mouse in the sock drawer of my extra dresser (I have one for in-season clothes and one in my closet for out-of-season clothes).

I didn’t know it was there until I smelled it… from the next room.

This wasn’t really a disgusting smell, per se, but definitely an eye-opener – I work in a restaurant where we make our own cocktail sauce for the shrimp, this sauce being a big-ass can of ketchup and half of a big-ass jar of horseradish. Being a stupid and sheltered 16-year-old, I had never really been around horseradish, and when i went to make the cocktail sauce for the first time, I thought, “oh, so this is horseradish. Hm. Wonder what it’s like.” Then I proceeded to stick my nose in the jar and take a biiiig whiff. I think I stopped producing mucus for about 12 hours, my sinuses were burned dry or something… yeah, I’m dumb.

When I was a kid we used to go fishing in the summertime. In the non-fishing months, all fishing gear was kept in the attic. Seeing as how this was Florida, the attic stayed pretty hot all year round.

My favorite bait, as I was about five years old, was hot dogs. You can see where this is going.

Yep, come summer one year, we got the fishing stuff out, and jackelope had left an entire damn hot dog in the tackle box, in the hot attic, for about nine months.

My stepfather immediately ran to the bathroom and began vomiting. I, being of a decorous and thoughtful ilk, picked up the tackle box and ran outside to drop it on the ground and begin vomiting there.

Hilarity ensues, as they say. I remember that smell vividly and shudderingly to this day.

A friend of mine happened to leave a half finished bottle of orange juice in the back of my hatchback and it was forgotten amongst the other junnk and debris back there. One day when packing stuff in my car after work I see this bottle. It says “ORANGE JUICE” but the liquid inside is brown. Hmm? I unscrew it and take a whiff. Man, you know that jerk-back reflex you have when you touch something hot? I did that with my head. Thank god I didn’t spill it over myself/the car. HORRIBLE smell of rancid orange juice that had been fermenting in the hot sun for probably 2 months.

Part of the reason we went on our trip was because pop-in-law had arranged my first antelope hunt for me. I got a nice buck on the last day, processed and gave most of the meat to the ranch manager but decided to keep the antlers myself. A semi industrous sort, I figured I’d even prepare and mount them because how hard can that be?

Most of the work I did up there, leaving just a patch of fur around the horns that I hoped would lay flat against the mounting board. I then stuck them in a cooler for the drive back. Once home, I put the antlers in the freezer hoping to fully dessicate what was left. A couple of days later, I took them out and hung them next to the cooler in the garage, hoping they’d soon be fully dry.

It rained a lot last week. The humidity level approached that of a patio mister.

Yesterday after a run, I approached said cooler to get a canned tea to quench my thirst. Breathing deeply as I approached, I saw tufts of fur on the floor below my antelope horns. Then from about two feet away, I caught a head-on whiff of rotting skull cap.

Ooof! A taxidermist I’m not.

My sister was bulimic in high school (she’s fine now), and her MO was to vomit into Ziploc bags and hide them in her room (usually under the bed) until she could sneak them into the trash can. In our house, the street trash bins are kept in the garage, but if you stand on the porch you can lob trash bags over the side and into the bin. It doesn’t take a lot of accuracy, but one day I lobbed a bag over the side and part of the bag hit the rim of the bin. The trash bag tore open, and a Ziploc bag of days-old vomit spewed out onto the driveway. I knew immediately what it was, and in those horrified seconds the almost visible reek wafted upwards, invading my tender nostrils. Never, not once in my life, have I smelled anything so rancid. I made my sister rebag the trash, pour bleach on the driveway, and hose the foul mess into the sewer.

This thread is incredibly disgusting…

My worst is probably the bloated dead rat that I found stuck behind the washing machine, that I had to scoot out between the washer and the wall with a broomhandle. It popped…

At leat my dead mouse was sort of dessicated…

Gawd, lieu, when they said this thread contained spoilers, you weren’t kidding. :eek:



writes note to self NEVER to open threads about smells while eating

Last year a large rat or mouse (I’m assuming that’s what it was) died underneath our tub in the bathroom. I mean, underneath underneath–as in a completely inaccessible spot. With the way the tub was installed (garden tub) there was no way to get to it short of drilling a hole through the bottom of the floor under the house.
It smelled for days, just a vague whiff of nastiness now and again and then sort of went away until a few days later when I was sorting laundry in the bathroom and heard a very loud POP and was immediately overwhelmed with the foulest stench this side of Hell.

We stayed out of the house for 2 days.

I have tried to block the whole incident from my mind but threads like this bring it all back.


Re: the OP - I know exactly how you felt. Just what is it about spoilt milk that makes it smell so rancid? One good sniff can make your whole face contort and twist involuntaraly!

You think this thread is bad? Someone posted a link to a site called “Rate My Poo” in another thread a while back. Trust me - NEVER open this site if you are a) eating b) have recently eaten. It is truly disgusting.

OW… The pun… It hurts my head.