Unremembering Log-In Info on Websites

Even though my laptop is not a public computer, I prefer not to save my log-in info on any of the websites I regularly frequent. However, over the past year or two, I have accidentally ticked “Save My Info” or however they phrase it on two or three websites. I have not been able to undo that. Does anyone know how I can reset that? I’ve done all the usual stuff such as deleting cookies.

Thanks in advance.

What browser are you using?


usually, in the spot in your web browser that lets you clean out cookies history and the like there’s a box that has “autofill data” as an option make sure that’s checked and that should do it …

In the upper right of the Firefox window there is a “hamburger” icon (3 horizontal lines). Click on it, then click “passwords”. This should lead to a page view with your passwords, and you can change or delete them there. Alternative route: menu bar, “extra” menu, settings item, then scroll down below “privacy”. At this settings item, you can also disable the storing of passwords entirely.

The cookies may not have the full name of the website. The website may store several cookies under several variants of the site name.

Search all cookies for the main part of the name, or some identifying part of the website name.

Thanks to all. The hamburger icon looks to be the most permanent solution, and I’ve gone in and deleted all those. Wonderful. I knew there had to be a way.

Thanks again.