OK. It’s an all out war in my residence. The dorms are apartment style, and our sworn enemy is an apartment of girls down the hall. Any pranks suitable to smite this enemy down would be greatly appreciated. (nothing illegal or dangerous, please). To date, things have gone as follows:
Day 1: The girls steal our (original) Nintendo. (returned the same day)
Day 2: We get the “Head Residence Assistant” (a friend of mine) to write them up and pretend to get them evicted from residence. we burst in on their meeting and laugh at them.
Day 2: They steal a key to our apartment door (still not returned)
Day 3: We cover their apartment door frame in newspaper, then fill the resulting door-frame-space entirely with crumpled newspaper. When they open the door, tons of newspaper falls inside.
Day 3: They use our very own materials against us and do a half-assed imitation of our previous prank. In addition, they grease our apartment door handle.
Day 3: My roommates somehow cover their carpet in corn flakes and water. Hilarity ensues.
Any more ideas for harmless, messy pranks would be greatly appreciated, and if things keep going interestingly-enough I’ll try to post some updates of the current situation.
Some of them are boarderline nasty, use at your discretion:
You could drop a red dye block into their toilet cistern - it bleeds through the magic of demonic possession!
Sneak in and put in:
a) Balloons (can be filled with shaving foam)
b) Packaging peanuts
c) A small car (disassemble outside and reassemble)
d) Shopping trolleys
If they have a mascot, find a replica and destroy/burn it publicly.
Nail chickenwire to the doorframe, blocking it off.
Use pylwood, paint and pencils to make a fake wall. Place over door then they’ve left the room. May or may not succeed depending on your artistic/forgery skills.
Hide a cheap walkie-talkie in their room then make short, random noises at 2am.
At night (say, 2-4am) cover their windows with black sheeting, cutting off all the light.
There are always the classic short-sheeting the bed, Saran-wrapping the toilets, etc.
We once completely stripped out all of a girl’s belongings, posters, clothes, bedding, etc. and returned her side of the room to its bare, before-you-move-in state with just the bedframe and mattress, and university-issue mattress pad neatly folded on the end of the bed. We hid all of her stuff in several people’s rooms. That was with the help of her roommate, though; you might have to be more devious.
Might I suggest a variation on the shaving cream-filled balloons? I prefer a little bit of baby powder. Unless you have a see-through balloon, you can’t tell it’s there… until you pop it.
Also, I enjoy adding koolaid powder to the inside of the shower head. Simply replace the shower head and enjoy (red seems to stain the best).
That’s the best I can do for now. I must be getting old.
Some of these require access to their rooms, but are hillarious in effect.
Take some condoms or balloons and fill them with shaving cream. Tape or glue them to the ceiling, just inside the doorway. Attach nails or pins to the top of the door so that when the door is fully opened the pins pop the balloons, spraying the shaving cream all over the place.
Buy lots (as much as you possibly can) plastic wrap (clear or colored). Invade their rooms (you need lots of people and or time for this) and begin wrapping everything. Wrap items individually and then together and then place them inside containers and wrap those. For example, we did this to a friend - we wrapped his clothes individually, then together, then we placed them back into the closet (it was an upright stand-alone unit) and wrapped the closet shut. The same can be done with drawers, hutches, etc. Wrap the sheets on their beds, then wrap the wrapped sheets to the bed. Wrap the pillow, put the pillow in the case, wrap the pillow case, and wrap it to the bed…you get the idea. If you find embarrassing items (sex toy, “How to get a date” tip books, etc.) wrap them to the outside of the front door for all the world to see. This prank can be expensive and time consuming, but it is worth it. The effect is unmatched in prankdom and it takes the victim so very long to undo the effects that they are unable to wreak vengence for a while.
3)On the stupid, pointless, but sometimes amusing end of the scale, take a screen shot their computer desktop. Move the task bar to a different location (from the bottom to the side, etc.) and minimize it. Move and hide all of the icons. Set the screenshot you took in the first step as the background image.
Fill their shampoo bottle with Nair or equivalent. Often times this results not in total hair loss, but in clump-like loss.
Put super-glue in the key-hole of their locks. (This one might be going a bit far depending on the do-it-yourselfness of the victims in terms of fixing it.)
If they have bicycles, disassemble the bike into as many parts as you can with the tools at hand and lay them out in the hallway. To be a little nice about this, you could lay the parts out in the same approximate position they would be in if the bike itself was laid on its side.
In the middle of the night, take a large number of beverage cans (be they soda or beer or whatever) and stack them in front of the door. Carefully lean the stacks inward toward the door, so that the top can on each stack is resting on the door. When they open it in the morning the cans should crash down around them in quite a mess (especially if the cans are not completely empty).
Really, I’m not a mean person, I just refuse to be the one who gets the worst of a prank-like situation. If you need more ideas, I’m sure I can oblige.
Get in and replace every lightbulb with slightly weaker wattage bulb.
Repeat a few days latter.
Then go in and replace them with all 300 watt bulbs.
Once I got into a prank war and I then announced to them at on a certain date they would ‘get it’. I just kept telling them that on that date they were really going to get it good.
She started to worry. In the week before she started to beg me to call it off. I told her I couldn’t undo what had been done. She spent that day in total fear. Shrieking at anything that moved.
I have done or seen most of the above done at one time or another.
A rather vicious prank that was played at our dorms just before summer holidays. One person had left for their holidays and thought their room was all locked up safe. Someone else got in and covered the carpet in alph-alpha sprouts. Added a little water, locked up the room again for summer and voila when the poor tenant returned he had sprouts growing everywhere.
Of course that one got the whole lot of us into trouble until the culprit confessed because the carpet had to be replaced.
Be carefull with the baby powder I am asthmatic and had to go to hospital on a couple of occasions with severe asthma attacks because of baby powder in my room. Harmless fun suddenly became a whole lot less fun.
Rooms full of balloons (not filled with anything) are good.
Confetti is a bitch to clean up.
Re-arrange all their toys (most girls in dorms seem to have a collection of stuffed toys) into sexually explicit positions.
Stick with stuff that doesn’t do anything to them physically. When you start getting into baby powder (could trigger an asthma attack) or Nair in the shampoo bottle you’re getting into lawsuit territory.
I dont think it gets any better than the foil idea. You wanna do something that is huge and will take a long, LONG time to clean up.
A variation of the light bulb thing: black lights.
Re-arrange all their toys (most girls in dorms seem to have a collection of stuffed toys) into sexually explicit positions.
Get a small clock radio and set it to turn on at 4:00 AM. Make sure it’s tuned to a hard-rock station and the volume is cranked all the way up. Now sew it into a pillowcase or two and hide it under a bed in their room.
As a college-age female, I can think of a few things that would freak me out/make me really, really angry.
Returning from classes one day to discover that all my underwear had been replaced by men’s underwear or Underoos. Or those gigantic, nylon granny panties.
Having the entire apartment covered in Dixie cups – floors, walls, ceilings, everything. Bonus points if the ones on the floor are all filled with an inch of some mysterious liquid.
In high school, two of my friends started sending “secret admirer” gifts to two other friends who were on the basketball team. Before every game they’d each get a gift – flowers, a bag of candy, a card. As the season progressed, the gifts grew creepier and creepier. The gift giving campaign culminated at the end of the season with an enormous bouquet of flowers and ballons for each, with a gift basket that contained a pair of silky boxers with hearts and fuzzy kittens on them, along with some creepy Spencer’s gift (fuzzy handcuffs, I think) and a card that said, “I’ll be at the game. Wear the boxers.” Needless to say, they were really freaked out and spent several frantic hours trying to track down their phantom lovers, before my friends finally confessed to them.
You could try setting up a CD player on a timer and smuggle it underneath their beds or hide it someplace else. Set the timer so it goes off in the middle of the night and make sure the volume’s cranked and something like The Anvil Chorus or Ride of the Valkyries or Dies Irae (or some other creepy Latin choral piece) is playing. There’s nothing like being awakened by the wrath of god, carried out in a dead language. Super gimongor bonus points if you can get it to slowly increase in volume.
Replace their shampoo with honey.
You could seal the doors to their bedrooms with the plastic you put over windows to block drafts. If you stretch it good and tight and really blow-dry the heck out of it, it’s nearly impossible to see. Smack!
If you’re handy with a needle and thread, you could sew the cuffs of their shirts closed or the pockets on their pants closed. It would be important to use small stiches and matching thread here.
Classic: Swap the salt with the sugar.
If it’s standard dorm furniture, then the drawers are pretty symmetrical and look the same upside down as right side up. Take all the clothing out of their drawers and hide it, then place the drawers upside down in the dresser. Alternatively, you could seal marbles in the drawers with tissue paper and then put them in upside down, leading to a rain of marbles when the drawers are opened.
Any and all of these can be improved by replacing the live lightbulbs with dead ones.
Go to a bait shop and get a live cricket. Release cricket in their apartment.
Set off string of firecrackers outside their apartment at 4 am.
Dab a bit of motor oil on the back side of their doorknob.
Fill a balloon with baby powder and blow up just short of bursting with air. Tie securely to doorknob. Tape pins to the door frame so that when the door is opened inward, the pins will pop the balloon.
If you can get to their room, take ALL of their underwear and substitute with jock straps.
You reminded me of one I heard about a few years back.
Get some “Jolly Rancher” candies and place them in all their shower heads. When they go to take a shower, the hot water will start melting the candies and they will get all sugar coated without even knowing it… until they dry off complely and find that their skin itches and their hair starts to stick. So what will they want to do to aleviate all this? Take another shower which will just start the process over.