US Midterm Election watch along thread

“The Trump Effect” Never before has a loser presidential candidate made such a childish fuss that he screwed his party over in the mid-terms.

91% in walker slightly ahead.

Are the large blue counties fully counted? Probably not, hoping.

Warnock just went ahead. Fulton 83% in. Dekalb just dumped and now it is called for warnock!

Coming in now and already swung back to a 14k lead for Warnock

MSNBC has called it for Warnock.

Toldja. :wink:

Yep. It’s over.

I’m so glad this is finally done.

I need a drink.

I’m just really disturbed Walker got that many people to vote for him. Damn, they really hate anyone with a D after their name. Proof about the power of propaganda I guess.

Earlier than I thought. I figured closer to midnight.

Just peeked at Fox News website; they are still calling it a dead heat and a ‘photo finish’. Guess they didn’t get the memo yet…

Chalk up another loss for Individual 1. Good times.

Quick refresher if you wouldn’t mind, the advantage Democrats would have in a 51-49 Senate over a 50-50 Senate with the VP as tiebreaker is that with the natural majority of 51, committee assignments are decided by the Democrats instead of a bipartisan committee?

And Warnock brings it to 51 including the two independents who caucus with the Democrats?

So if the Republicans had just nominated someone basically sane and of normal intelligence, it seems like they would have won easily.

Associated Press calls it for Warnock as well.

They may have a chance at getting dejoy out of the post office now.

Yes, I believe fox was one of the last to call.

Reuters also

From CNN’s live update page:

10:33 p.m. ET, December 6, 2022

Some GOP blame game begins over voter turnout operation

From CNN’s Manu Raju

[A senior GOP] source blames the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) — in partnership with the RNC — for a lackluster voter-targeting effort. CNN has reached out to the NRSC for comment.

There’s been an ongoing feud over tactics and strategy between the NRSC — led by Sen. Rick Scott — and allies to Mitch McConnell, whose super PAC the Senate Leadership Fund was the biggest spender in Senate races.

That’s just to make it easier to call it fraud later on.