US Midterm Election watch along thread

And, since I am not afraid to say it- white. :scream: Getting those hood old boys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:excited about voting for a black man was tough, I bet.

CNN called it for Warnock, :partying_face:

Herschel’s son has no problem blaming Trump:

I was just about to post this exact thing. Just a basic candidate. Just normal. They would have won.

But the Republicans can’t even do normal anymore

I feel like this headline alone is yet another reason to smile:

Warnock’s win in Georgia gives Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema far less power over Biden’s agenda

BREAKING: Herschel to be traded to the State of Texas for 4 mayors, a US House Rep, cash, and a State Senator to be named later.

I can’t wait to watch Walker give his acceptance speech :wink:

Jerry Jones, is that you? There’s no take backs for that trade back in '89 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Well it didn’t work in the runoff in 2021. Warnock won that against a normal (for GA) white candidate.

Regardless of which of us is correct the good thing is this gives Warnock 6 years to establish himself as a person who will represent and help the people of GA, all while more people from blue states relocate to the Atlanta area and make it easier for Democrats to win state-wide elections. Ossoff’s reelection race in 2026 will tell us a lot.

So it looks like the final tally is going to be something in the neighborhood of +90,000 votes for Warnock and 2.5%. Does anyone know how recounts work in GA? I have to imagine thats outside of the threshold to trigger any kind of automatic recount. Can someone request and pay for one? Do we need to look for a certain group of dumbass ninjas to swoop down on Fulton county?

Hopefully republicans will be smart enough to cut their losses and move on but I’ve learned not to expect that.

There’s no automatic recounts and it needs to be within 0.5% to request one.

Good. Thank you for the answer.

At least Walker has conceded. I’ll give him just that one thing.

The vampire vote came through in the end!

I cannot think of a case where a party more thoroughly shot themselves in the foot than Republicans this year. Maybe the Whigs?

Prediction: Wait until 2024, especially if Trump is the nominee.


Okay, someone explain like I’m five: a 51-member majority is a Good Thing, not questioning that. But its ultimate Good-ness depends on Dems voting together when it counts, right? What if a couple of Dems decide they’ve got their colleagues by the short & curlies and bend the Senate to their will? (Who could I be thinking of?)

Joe Leiberman

With a Republican house, votes where it counts seem unlikely. Outside of judicial confirmations and I guess the occasional reconciliation, I don’t expect either the House or the Senate to accomplish much of anything over the next two years.

I think they had success getting 48 votes quite often. This will secure 49 now, which means they only have to get that Manchin guy or Sinema instead of needing both.

55 Dems would have been a lot nicer…and now the House isn’t Dem either.

It will be tough. However, 2024 just got 1 seat easier for the Dems. Warnock is in for a nice 6-year term this time.

Hid hijack material {WE?}

This also means that Manchin and Sinema get something of a prisoner’s dilemma.

If neither cooperates, they only get the approval of their conservative constituents.
If both cooperate, they get whatever compromise they can eke out of the Democratic leadership.
But if only one cooperates, then whoever cooperates gets a big concession, and whoever doesn’t cooperate gets nothing.

If leadership is savvy, they can play Manchin and Sinema against one another.