user name change

I have UNADD. (User Name Attention Deficit Disorder)

Like, I’m bored poo-less with my handle, so do I notify one of the mods, here, about this, considering I seldom get responses from the webmaster link at the bottom of this page? I’m sure the answer’s buried deep within the stuffy catacombs that all those bloody stickeys are.
My (Me?) being a lazy sonofabitch notwithstanding, I was also wondering why I’ve never seen a “formerly X” signature. I’m guessing because no one gives a flying turtle’s fuck in the first place.
Not super familiar with ATMB - do folks go here to announce a name change? I’ve short-listed it down to:

**victory lamp

Jerry Korab (yeah, right…if only)

oh-so Coco

Zeus, heartwarmed

Hump’a Clothing

Not Really a Slap Bass Fan

Old KIRO 7 Chiller Theatre Freakier-than-Shit Vampire Dude

Regards, Shogun

Boris S. Wort

PVC Parsnip

The Actual Fucking James G. Watt


Are italics allowed, like in the second example? Is the vampire one too long? F-bombs cool?

Change your name to “Moderator”, “Guest”, “Charter Member”

I think the idea of tying your own identity to taking the piss out of another poster will, like a puppy at Christmas, seem less cute in a few months time.

And I don’t understand any of the other names.

Tis true…a varicose-viened puppy soon enough, I spose…
Yeah, not worth going down that road.

Funny you say that considering I’ve figured out every user name in the SDMB database.

Eddie the Disgruntled?

Or “Banned”

Heh. The system won’t let you change your courtesy title to Banned, but it will to Bannned, with three Ns. One member tried it – I had nothing to do with egging him on, really I didn’t, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it – and confusion and hilarity ensued.

Contact a mod. Any mod. They’ll pass it up the food chain to whoever does the actual name changes. If you want to announce your new name, people usually do that in MPSIMS.

Yep, once you’ve decided on a name, just contact any mod. I handle the majority of the name changes simply because I’m the ATMB mod and this is where folks ask, but any of us can do it (well, we do the grunt work and an admin actually changes the name for us). For security reasons we’ll need you to send a request to us via e-mail from the e-mail address tied to your account.

We don’t allow names like Moderator, Banned, Guest, Administrator, etc.

Italics, bolding, and other formatting tags aren’t allowed because they don’t work for names.

I think the max length for the user name is 20 characters, but it might be 25. Not sure. There definitely is a max length though, and “Old KIRO 7 Chiller Theatre Freakier-than-Shit Vampire Dude” is way past it.

I’m not sure if there’s an actual written rule against profanity in the user name, but we strongly discourage it and have asked folks to change their names when they have chosen profane or obscene names.

ETA: The actual written rule is this (according to the registration agreement): “We reserve the right to refuse postings from screen names we find objectionable.”

Change it to engineer_comp_greek



Cool - thanks for the input, folks. Still a bunch more names I’m sure I can come up with before I fix this in the next day or two. The stupidity of a name isn’t something I want to just rashly rush right into without some measured thought, first - this is serious shit, sort of like un-adopting a puppy you just adopted but then adopting another, yet hopefully not in the sight of the recently-unadopted one, (giving you one last fleeting stare with those baleful basset hound eyes). I’ll find some time tomorrow to get back at this and be done with it.

“baleful basset hound eyes” it’s better than Eddie the Horrible :wink:

Eddie the Nice?

O. Don Piano?

O. Long Johnson?

I like Eddie the Horrible. I mean the user name. I couldn’t like Eddie. He’s just horrible.


Or stick with UNADD if you want to be cryptic, and don’t mind people thinking you delete friends on Facebook.

Is there a rule against taking a username that refers to another member’s username?

Mike Hunt is on Fire

Not in love with most of the OP’s selection. In the spirit of generosity, might you consider:

Infidel Castro

Perfidia F. Solarzano (that was someone’s real name I saw once)

Make it a Double

Memo from Turner

Husker Doo-wop

I tell you it’s raining

That generous spirit of yours notwithstanding [although I would’ve gone Husker Du-wop (ack if only I could type the elusive umlaut) and “I tell you it’s raining” reminds me way too much of “STOP WITH THE HAMMERING!!!..STOP!!!”] I’ve already pm’ed engineer_comp_geek probably the stupidest one from my list, and Cochrane mentioned this shit’s mentioned in MPTIMS, so upon e.c. geek’s return pm that it’s a go…well…I would say this is my final ever Eddie the Horrible post, but I’ll probably find something odious/proactive to proffer in CS while awaiting word from ECG.