It is my understanding that, presumably to preserve the sanity and free time of the Mods, we’re allowed only one name change, ever.
Inspired by Arnie and his possible quest to become President, and the need for an Amendment that said quest will entail, I’ve decided I really don’t like this handle anymore, and I would like to start a petition to allow for a second change to my user name, under the following provisions, to wit:
-I promise to never ever ever ask to have my name changed again. If I do, may I be forced to watch teenybopper horror flicks until the repeated failures to suspend my disbelief cause my brain to cave in and wave a little white flag from my left ear.
-I will not be so bold as to select as my new name anything WithLotsOfWords ThatRunTogether LikeThis, and to keep it short and memorable.
-If it may please the voting public, as evidenced by their replies to this thread, I shall adopt Flip-Flopper or something similarly reflective of my inability to choose a decent name the first time around.
I’d be lying if I said my dissatisfaction with this user name didn’t have a lot to do with the constant drive-by posts that generally go, “Looks like the OP/previous poster/guy who said X really isn’t all that bright”.
Perhaps more importantly, though, I think this name colors the perception of my posts, regardless of their merit or lack thereof.
Fellow Dopers, I beg that you put aside your partisan bickering and unite in support of a truly just cause. Forget Iraq, the War on Terror, gay marriage, and the economy, and remember what really matters- the series of alphanumeric characters above where it says “Charter Member” in my posts.
note to Mods: this is supposed to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but I really would like to change my user name again. Even if you’re not going to give me a third shot at picking one, I ask that you not move this to ATMB, because at least in MPSIMS more than three people will read it and possibly get a chuckle out of it