I hereby propose an Amendment to the Board Rules

It is my understanding that, presumably to preserve the sanity and free time of the Mods, we’re allowed only one name change, ever.

Inspired by Arnie and his possible quest to become President, and the need for an Amendment that said quest will entail, I’ve decided I really don’t like this handle anymore, and I would like to start a petition to allow for a second change to my user name, under the following provisions, to wit:

-I promise to never ever ever ask to have my name changed again. If I do, may I be forced to watch teenybopper horror flicks until the repeated failures to suspend my disbelief cause my brain to cave in and wave a little white flag from my left ear.
-I will not be so bold as to select as my new name anything WithLotsOfWords ThatRunTogether LikeThis, and to keep it short and memorable.
-If it may please the voting public, as evidenced by their replies to this thread, I shall adopt Flip-Flopper or something similarly reflective of my inability to choose a decent name the first time around.

I’d be lying if I said my dissatisfaction with this user name didn’t have a lot to do with the constant drive-by posts that generally go, “Looks like the OP/previous poster/guy who said X really isn’t all that bright”.

Perhaps more importantly, though, I think this name colors the perception of my posts, regardless of their merit or lack thereof.

Fellow Dopers, I beg that you put aside your partisan bickering and unite in support of a truly just cause. Forget Iraq, the War on Terror, gay marriage, and the economy, and remember what really matters- the series of alphanumeric characters above where it says “Charter Member” in my posts.

note to Mods: this is supposed to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but I really would like to change my user name again. Even if you’re not going to give me a third shot at picking one, I ask that you not move this to ATMB, because at least in MPSIMS more than three people will read it and possibly get a chuckle out of it

Three username changes? Guess the OP really isn’t all that bright!


Huh, I sort of like that username, if only because so some of our fellow Dopers think that everything they say is really profound, when most of them aren’t really all that bright. So it’s sort of refreshing.

Granted! You are allowed one more name change. Please choose from the following:

Takes the Short Bus
Not there Yet
Please Type Slowly
Kiss Me! I’m a Brain Donor

I like your user name enough that I don’t think you should be allowed to change it. Your name does not color my perception of your posts.
I might change my vote if you tell us what your new name is going to be and I like it. You might consider Lyin’ Elf, which is what I would change to if I were allowed to change a second time.

Weren’t you once dutchboy208?

I liked that one.

Uh… this bit should say and I will keep it short and memorable.


That was the original idea; I am pretty smart IRL, which makes me average at best here, but occasionally I do say something profound, and I get the impression that a few people short-change me because they assume I’m a complete doofus, when I’m really a partial doofus.

Remember that:

[ul][li]The SDMB is not a democracy – it’s owned by a corporation and administered by a staff appointed and headed up by one man who works for that corporation.[/li][li]The single name change is not a rule but a guideline. Everyone is allowed the option of one change for whatever reasons seem good to them. An additional change may be permitted – but only if the Administrators are satisfied that there’s an extraordinarily good reason for allowing it.[/li][li]I only had two substantive bullet points to make – if OpalCat is displeased with that, she’s invited to stop by this thread and say “Hi” herself.[/ul][/li]
Given the above information, your obvious solution is to choose to change your name to SentTubaDivaLotsOfChocolate – after demonstrating that the name accurately reflects your identity. :slight_smile:

I’d like to change my name, too. I want to be Miss Anne Thropic.

Awww :slight_smile:

Poly, see the note to the mods.

Suggested names for men/women:

Bullseye the Wonder Pigeon
Lucinda Joints
Justice Aungat Wylite
Fiona Rabbit-Vacuum
Perkin Worbat’s Magic Newt
Aaron A. Jeestrynge
Sheila Vzyuyayaya
Walter Wohl-Kharpetynge

Really Not All That Bright, I think most of the people here are smart enough to grok what your username means. Which is to say, I grok what your username means, and compared to a lot of the Dopers, I’m downright dumb. I mean, IRL, I’m pretty smart, but then I realize how stupid I really am, and knowing that, it’s depressing to realize that I’m smarter than most of the people I know face-to-face (Dopers I’ve met face-to-face and some of my husband’s relatives are exceptions to this).

I really do like your name. And it has never colored my perception of your posts. I see the irony in it- you’re intelligent, yet you can still use a name like that.

Perhaps under those circumstances, a free market solution could be effective at relieving Really Not All That Bright’s discomfort. Everyone is granted the opportunity to change their name once when they sign up to the sdmb. That leaves those of us who chose well with added capacity we do not need. Obviously, that capacity is a valuable commodity, or Really Not All That Bright wouldn’t be seeking it. So why not allow members to buy and sell name-changing rights. Cecil could cut himself in for a 15% ‘market makers’ fee, and add to the profit of the Reader, while I’d make a profit too, and Really Not All That Bright could take another stab at finding happiness.


I’m kinda used to Really Not All That Bright, because I didn’t know you as dutchboy??? And I finally figured out what dopers were talking about when they referenced RNATB. So, I’d prefer you stick with the id that made me chuckle when I first saw it. But in the event, you’re destined to become someone else, may I suggest ‘Are N. Atbee’? That way I’d be able to correlate your future posts with RNATB’s past posts.

If this is unacceptable, I propose a poll and a vote to determine your new name.

He can have my name change. I’ve been using this name since the antediluvian times, back when I connected to a local BBS with my 1200 baud modem. Fifteen years going strong, I doubt I’ll ever change it.

But then again, I like the OP’s name, so I officially rescind my offer. Pfttth!!!

For the record I am indeed the poster formerly known as dutchboy208. The flood of “but I like your name” posts is heartening, but then it was always in GD or the Pit that I had problems with it.

Perhaps I just shouldn’t be going there…

This is a very good idea. I suggest sweetening the pot for the Reader, and upping the stakes for the “changee”. You can buy a name change off a fellow doper who has one to spare. The Reader gets 100% of the profits. The seller? They get to pick any name they want for you!!


Or not. Just an idea, like.

I’m planning to keep my username until I get married.


Even though my user name is (now) the name of a discarded European currency, I am keeping it.

I always liked your current user name…seems humble, and yet I too have noticed you are anything but “not bright”.

And as far as names go…remember Miss Ima Hogg from Texas (and her sister Ura Hogg). They did quite nicely, and were very big in the social world.

A rose by any other name…etc. etc.