Hi, Biggirl -
Insofar as anyone is trying to use statistics to prove that blacks/Hispanics/Asian/whites/lefthanded Eskimo lesbians are evil as a group, they are going to fail.
The problems come in when anyone tries to use statistics to show that blacks/etc. commit crimes at the same levels as whites, and that the disparities in arrest and conviction records are purely a function of a racist system.
It might be clearer if we did not limit ourselves to drug offenses. It is easy to argue, and in my opinion correct, that most drug offenses are unprosecuted. Therefore, it is possible that the higher rates of arrest and conviction for blacks over whites are a function of cops concentrating on black kids and ignoring white drug crime, whether because they are evil racists, or for any other reason.
Take, however, murder and non-negligent homicide. Murder is rarely concealable, and most murders are cleared by arrest. Most of the time, they get the murderer. Blacks, however, commit slightly more murders that whites (48.8 vs. 48.7%), even though whites outnumber blacks in the population by something like four to one. It is extremely difficult to argue that there are large numbers of murders being ignored by the racist cops in favor of hassling innocent blacks who never hurt a fly.
The issue is relevant because the figures for murder, which are harder to account for based on racism, reflect a pattern strikingly similar to what we see in drug crimes, where blacks are arrested and convicted in numbers very disproportionate to their representation in the population. Blacks tend to be over-represented in the crime categories of which most people are afraid. And there seems to be reason to suspect that this is not a function of racism, but reflects a different phenomenon.
Run down the figures for all the crimes listed on your cited website. There are no crimes committed by blacks in proportions similar to their representation in the populace (except drunk driving. How this affects allegations of arrests for “driving while black” is another interesting question).
Also interesting is the fact that vaguely defined crimes such as “vandalism” and “suspicion” are crimes for which the arrest rates are lower than they are for robbery or embezzlement among blacks. One might expect that racist cops would use such accusations frequently to harass and arrest blacks, if racism were their only motivation.
Anyone who reads anything I have said in this post as an allegation that “blacks are all criminals” or “blacks are inferior” or “blacks are genetically predisposed to crime” are warmly invited to go pound sand up the aperation of their hindquarters. The figures do not say this, and no reasonable person believes it.
Nonetheless, it seems to me that blacks are arrested and convicted at higher rates than whites not because of racism, but because they in fact offend at higher rates than do whites. I am sure the reasons for this are as complex as human motivation tends to be, but it is a mistake, in my opinion, to dismiss the figures are indicative of nothing but racism.