Some Statistics on Crime

  • Blacks make up 12% of the population, yet are 50% of the prison population.

  • This means that blacks commit NINE TIMES the crimes of whites. (That’s NOT 9% – it’s 900%!) It means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK.

  • If present demographic trends continue, whites will be a minority in America in only 50 years. Whites are already less than 50% of the population in California. Between blacks and Hispanics, whose crime rate is about 4 times that of whites, we can expect to see huge escalations in crime against whites as they become fewer in number and thus more vulnerable both physically and politically.

  • 90% of all inter-racial crime is black-on-white (ie, committed BY blacks AGAINST whites).

  • There are 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the US, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes.

  • On FBI crime statistic charts, when a Hispanic is attacked for ethnic reasons, the incident is recorded as an anti-Hispanic hate crime. However, when a Hispanic commits a hate crime against a person of another race he is classified as a white offender. This is because the FBI’s data collection method permits **classification of offenders ** only as white, black, Asian, or American Indian. Meaning a Hispanic can be a victim of a hate crime but not a perpatrator of one, therefore falsely elevating white offender statistics.

What happens to these statistics when you correct for socioeconomic status? Are rich black people more likely to commit crimes than rich white people? Are poor white people less likely to commit crimes than poor black people? Is there any use to statistics that don’t make corrections like that?

(The answer to the last question is definitely ‘no’, and that’s probably the answer to the two questions immediately before that.)

Who cares?? They fact stand on their own merits. If you don’t believe me, move to Nigeria.

WTF?!?! Is sombody roasting the hell out of this asshole in the pit yet?!?!?! I’m still something of a newbie poster here so I don’t feel quite so qualified. SOMEBODY PLEASE STEP IN!

That aside, I thought the purpose of the SDMB was to fight ignorance.

Hiding behind a lot of skewed, inaccurate, culturally and socially biased BS statistics isn’t going to promote an informed society. These “factual” statistics merely promote a culture of prejudice and fear, and incite more hatred and violence.

Salvador, maybe I’m taking this waaay too personally but I want to know what the fuck your problem is:

  1. What was your point in posting plain statistics in MPSIMS anyway, without any personal insight or commentary? Hoping to enlighten the Teeming Millions with your “factual,” “OMG-did-you-know” information? Or was it just some half-assed attempt to sway everyone to your bigoted, hateful and ignorant views? (BTW, where’s your fucking cite, anyway?)
  2. WHO THE FUCK CARES IF THE RATIO OF ONE RACE TO ANOTHER IS CHANGING IN A PARTICULAR DEMOGRAPHIC?! I am so sick of hearing this shit all the time: “Oh no, the white man is about to be overrun, whatever shall we do?!” NEWS FLASH PEOPLE: the white man was not the first race on American soil. What cultural/economic supremacy they do have here was built through centuries of theft, murder, and slavery, all based upon the bass ackwards notion that he is somehow superior to other races. People are people are people, people! Perhaps if we worked in cohesion to alleviate problems in ALL communities, and not just dismiss the rifts in our society as “ethnic problems,” we might actually begin to lower crime rates and strengthen our communities. Tell me, Salvador: how is teaching prejudice and hatred against blacks and hispanics going to solve problems in our communities? Because crime is NOT just a problem in Hispanic communities, or black communities, or asian communities or anything else you fear and feel the need to label. They’re OUR communities. OUR nation. For ALL Americans, regardles of race or country of origin or even immigrant status. We’re a diverse nation and if you can’t handle that, you need to get the fuck out of America, pronto. Take your hatred and fear somewhere else.

Then watch “American History X,” motherfucker. If you still need a fucking clue then e-mail me and we’ll continue this “discussion” of your statistics.

This OP has pissed me off so bad that I’m shaking as I type this. In my two plus years of lurking here never has anything ever affected me to this extent; hence the harsh language. Mods, please forgive my tone in this forum, move it to the Pit if need be (why is it in MPSIMS anyway?). And somebody please back me up if I’m not alone in feeling this way…

Jesus. Never has my sig seemed more relevant than now. Translation: Stupid stays stupid, pills won’t help you!

This is quite possibly the single least compelling argument I’ve ever heard. I hope that someday you understand why.

The proper answer to your question of who cares is “anyone who’s basically statistically literate”.

Your statistics quote crime rates and racial demographics in AMERICA, asshole. Now how the fuck is that going to relate to what’s going on in ** fucking Nigeria**?

Yamirskoonir - just a piece of friendly advice from one doper to another, and not an attempt at junior modding, honest, but… I’d trim back the language a little if I were you - or let fly in the pit.

Too right, Mangetout. Thanks for the clue, and my sincere apologies if I have offended anyone here.

On that note…I just visited the pit. My prediction is that Salvador will be banned shortly. And other veteran dopers are doing a much better job of flaming him then I could ever hope to. You guys rock my world! :smiley:

So sad that every time a creep like this crawls out of the woodwork, we’re reminded that people like this actually exist…


BTW, being 50% of the prison population does not mean they are committing half the crimes. It just means they make up half the prison population.

Since it is possible to:
A) Commit a crime and be found not guilty
B) Be found guilty and not go to prison
C) Commit a crime and not be caught

and even
D) Commit no crime and be sent to prison

Your statistic (if even true) only mean that blacks make up 50% of the prison population. Claiming that means they committ X number of more crimes than white people is not valid. Facts don’t always stand on their own merits when you try to change what they say.

Just FYI…

The information on the hispanics not being classified as purpetrators of hate crimes is pretty interesting… That is, of course, if you can prove it.

Blacks making up more of the prison population could also be the result of bigotry in the justice system. Which is probably a goal of our delightful OP.

Can someone tell me the title of the pit thread flaming this guy? Apparently his name isn’t in it, and I’m not opening every thread to check.

He started a pit thread against mixed-race Latinos; Lynn got the first reply and may have moved it.

Lynn closed it.

Yeah I saw that one. I read Yakmir’s line “And other veteran dopers are doing a much better job of flaming him then I could ever hope to” as meaning there was a pit thread where people were flaming him.

He’s getting flamed in the Enough with the fing nazis already* thread, appropriately enough.

Here’s mine.

…in response to the OP.


Thank you, that is all. Good day.

Amend my sig quote there by adding ‘unless you’re absolutely clueless’ for this case.

Besides being ignorant, he’s also a plaguarist. All of his post is a simple cut’n’paste from another self-acclaimed pro-white website. Easily googled for anyone that cares.

Salvador is right, and you people have sacrificed enough of our sons and daughters to violent black crime already. Stats say blacks commit crime! Well, now the stats must be racist, too!

To the person who says the stats are not controlled for socio-economic status: that is a great dodge – really masterful. Blacks always fall to the bottom in socio-economic status. So you have a lovely rhetorical crutch that you can’t lose. Black people need only clap their hands – 200 years ago, today, or 200 years in the future – and your device will chirp “Socio-economic status!” To hell with the victims, right?

Sorry, but I’m getting very, very angry at liars who say they are “fighting ignorance.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Listen up, sparky, cause you’re about to get a basic statistics lesson. I’ll try to use small words so you can follow.

We’ve got a hypothetical town, with 10,000 white people and 10,000 black people. Of that population, there are 800 white criminals and 4900 black criminals. And you can conclude whatever drivel you’d normally spew from this, right?

Dead fucking wrong. What you don’t know is that 60% of poor people are criminals, while only 5% of rich people are criminals. 80% of the white people are rich and 20% are poor, while only 20% of the black people are rich, and 80% are poor. A person’s criminal status is entirely determined by his or her class. Race has nothing to do with it.

Given that situations like this are possible, it’s intellectually dishonest to claim that the statistics in the original post are meaningful. I know you don’t care, but now we’re right in calling you a liar if you try to argue otherwise.