USS Cole

"Latest news says a Yemeni terrorist group with links to Osama Bin-Laden is claiming responsibility. "

If that turns out to be the truth, then lets lay down some serious hurt on them. (If they can be tracked down)
(Race disclaimer: I don’t hate any specific religion or race, but terrorist groups deserve to be rubbed out from the earth, no matter the race or religion involved)

I have nothing else to post to add to this thread (since I agree with all of the above) except to say that I’m really amazed that this isn’t the top story at and

I just turned on the News with Brian Williams on CNBC, and it’s not the top story there, either.

What’s happening in the world today? :frowning:

(Latest update: 6 dead, 11 missing, and I didn’t catch how many were injured.)


Montfort…in defense of the papers, so much has happened today. Who knows what “should” be the lead story.


Terrorism makes me sick. I’m so mad I could spit. :mad:


God bless all those folks who lay their lives on the line walking the battlements for democracy and freedom. And their families. I hope your roomie’s OK, Connor.


Rich G7subs said:

The problem is, then the terrorists win–that’s what they want. Better to determine those responsible for this, and for other such atrocities, and exterminate them.

Connor, my best wishes that your friend is ok.

And ChiefScott and everyone else who serves, or has done so in the past–thank you.

Rich G7subs: *"At the risk of sounding callous,lets pull ALL our troops out of the Gulf and let the Arabs/Palestinians kill each other. *

Well, we can’t leave the Gulf alone because that’s where a lot of our oil comes from. And before we start the whole “this oil war stuff is stupid,” don’t forget that your computer is powered by electricity that probably comes from oil.

**Qwisp **:"Terrorism makes me sick. I’m so mad I could spit. :mad:"

Well Qwisp, that’s their point. They don’t play by the rules. It makes us angry because they don’t share our sense of fair play.

I have to admit … if this horrible thing had to happen, at least it happened to a military ocean vessel, and not a civilian aircraft. The casualty is limited to those directly impacted by the explosion (vs. civilian men, women and children falling from the sky), and our men and women of the Navy volunteered to defend us. With all of the fighting going on between the Israeli and Palestinian, I think the Gulf is going to be pretty violent for a while.

No, don’t get angry at me. My ex-husband was a prior-enlisted Navy airman and former Army infantry officer before he went back into the civilian world. I KNOW what it’s like to have my family member in a tour of duty manning a combat zone, and always having to check to see if there’s any violence in those parts of the world, 'kay?

Pretty definitely a deliberate attack - an accidental explosion on a small boat would NOT have been able to rip a 40 X 20 foot hole in the side of a destroyer and shatter every window on the Aden waterfront. Besides, Yemeni and US Navy witnesses say that the two pukes on the boat stood at attention and waited for it to blow up.

I just hit and look what I found: “A powerful explosion, believed to have been caused by a bomb, has rocked the British embassy in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.”

No injuries in this one.
I really can’t find words to express the stupidity and evil of this sort of thing.

:mad: :frowning: :mad: :frowning: :mad:
I can’t put into words how angry & sad I am. I just can’t believe this. Those two cowardly bastards just killed someone’s father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, husband, and wife. Fuck you for destroying six families, for the pain and the suffering and the bloodshed. I really hope you are burning in hell.

One of the sub chiefs statitoned here’s wife was on board. She has compound fractures of both legs, but will live. Connor I hope your friend is ok. Apparently the sailors on board did an excellent job keeping the ship from sinking, and I trust s/he was amoung them.

My husband is in the Navy, stationed at Norfolk, and is currently deployed. Two of my biggest nightmares have already happened since he’s been gone. The Kursk hit very close to home as DH is on a submarine, and then this terrorist attack by a couple of (insert your worst possible insult here)s. Thank god his boat isn’t over there. I want him home safe, and as soon as possible.

It’s so sad that things like this happends.
The world is to crazy sometimes.

Sadness and condolences to the families.

Hoping that those responsible are found and treated in kind.

filthy (USN, disabled Viet Nam vet)

News like this always makes me angry and tired.

Thanks to all of the men and women in the military (and/or now retired) all over the world who put their lives at risk constantly so that others, like me, can live in peace.

How does it aid anybody to inflict such pain and wound us in this manner? Is it like an Native American coupe where tagging the strongest gains the inflictor some kind of glory in the eyes of others?

(coupe is probably spelled wrong - sorry)

My condolences also to Navy families and friends. I can’t even begin to understand the mindset that causes people to do this.

Has anyone heard from sandyr lately? She is former Navy, and has friends still in the Navy.

Says Baglady:

That we did. But we can demand (hope for, in reality) a fair fight, can’t we?

Per UncleBeer’s request –

Familymembers of USS Cole crewmembers may call (757) 444-NAVY for information (what’s available) on their loved ones and for referral to counseling centers.

Yes Chief, you should be able to hope for a fair fight, unfortunately in this sometimes very ugly world, terrorists don’t see it that way. I believe that people who did what happened yesterday are cowards. They don’t believe in fair fight because they always feel they are owed, are victims, etc., and their comrades think they are brave to give their lives like this to some idiotic cause.

I wonder how proud the parents are of the two that were on the boat? They suffered a loss because their kids were selfish. What a sad thing that would be to have to accept.

Best wishes to all that are on the Cole. May the rest of you make it safely home to your families.

What is a fair fight, Chief? If they only have sticks and stones, do we agree to put aside our guided missle cruisers?

I agree heartily that this was indeed an unfortunate event, and I extend my sympathies for all affected by it. However, I prefer that terrorists target military, instead of civilian targets.

CanadianSue, you’ve used, as have a lot of newspaper reports, the word ‘cowards’ to describe the two suicide bombers. I really fail to see how their actions, however wrong they were, can be construed as cowardly; they gave their lives for a cause in which they believe, how is that cowardly?

Sorry to have wandered off the point a bit. It must be an awful time for the families.

My God. The whole world is upside down and backwards.

Connor - please let us know what you hear - I am keeping you and your roomate in my thoughts.

I couldn’t be in more agreement with you, hon. That’s our job. To stand between our loved ones and wars’ desolation (with a nod to Francis Scott Key).

Given the choice to face that or let innocent civilians do so, I’ll choose to stand in the gap, every time.