Utah county wants to split

They have only 14k people in 8000 square miles. The white folks not happy that Navajos now run the county.

“take their tax base with them” seems to be the chief concern of the liberals here.

Which Liberals ?

You’re the second post in the thread. What are you basing your belief of what the liberal here on going to say on? With quotes?

Oh, lordy, lordy - white folks afraid the Navajo will do to them what they’ve been doing to the Navajo for centuries…

If we can’t gerrymander, and Navajo backed candidates win elections then we’ll break off and form a white county of our own. Republicans really really hate when the voice of the people is heard, and they weren’t able to supress it this time.
From the first paragraph of the OP’s linked article:
“Harkening back to the tactics of white-flight segregationists, a Utah state representative has proposed that a heavily white region within Navajo-majority San Juan County secede and form its own county after Navajo-backed candidates for county offices won historic majorities in 2018’s elections. That election outcome was the byproduct of a successful lawsuit that struck down the racially gerrymandered districts for county commission and school board that had enabled candidates backed by the white minority to maintain a stranglehold on local government for decades.​”

HD lives in Utah I believe, so I assume that’s what he means by “here”.

So all 11 liberals in Utah managed to accomplish this? Wow, they must be wily strategists.

Accomplish what?

Look, I don’t know jack about this issue other than what I read in the OP and the link. But at first glance, it looks like apartheid has ended in one country in Utah… and the first reply is a criticism of liberals? WTF?

it really would be horrible if our holy white race kept being kept down by having to share anything with those vile filthy mongrels


Thank God we have HD here to 1. faithfully label people as “liberals” for us. Constantly. and 2. Tell us what they think! Hurrah!

Yeah, how dare those Native Americans come to our country that we created out of nothing on uninhabited land and think they’re allowed to have a say in it! They should all go back to where they came from.

The 21st century GOP credo: if we can’t win by playing the game following the rules, we’ll step outside the game to use the rules to effect a win.

You don’t think it would be problematic if every well off neighborhood can just decide to be their own county?
From the article:

Does that sound like a good idea to you?

8,000 square miles is a lot for a county. The whole state of Massachusetts is less than that.

This is correct.

HD’s “take their tax base with them” was from the linked Kos article.

Idaho County Idaho is 8500 sq mi; Harney County Oregon is 10000+ sq mi, as is Sweetwater County Wyoming; Nye County is over 18K, and San Bernardino is over 20K. There are some counties of immodest size in the West, which tend to be more land than people.

“Apartheid”? At least you were right about one thing: you don’t know jack about this issue.