Utah Dopers.. Lets get together over Conference!

Since its likely to rain that weekend we can do mud wrestling…
Erkkk I better call the mum in law and find out just WHEN Conference is anyway :smiley:

October 6th and 7th

Woo! Finally a thread for Utahns. I was starting to think “Utah dopers” was an oxymoron. Anyway, probably couldn’t make the 6th (Tori concert), but the 7th might be possible.

ermm, umm, I’m not an Utahn. I just know the dates for conference.

Just a friendly reminder to stay out of SLC over conference. It’s a crazy place.

Like you gotta tell me that Pepper?!
How about Ogden… Dinosaur Park? the Park west of there?
Monroe Park? Anybody have any other suggestions…
actually the 6th wouldn’t be good for me either… (WhatI get a Saturday?!)
Thanks Abby… actually once I thought of it I knew the answer…
Cheer Incubus for me Joy… (Dragon growls and nashes her teeth at being BROKE)

What I actually meant was cheer Rufus Wainwright for me…
jeez I have been sniffing way to much photographic chemicals…

Oh sure! Try to get Utahns together and phhhft nothing… but Ashtar mentions Rats and we come out of the woodwork!
Now that was a visual I could have done without… If Conference weekend doesnt work how about another time?
Halloween Party??? Haunted Dinosaur Park?? Yes? No? Maybe?