Utah - Online Porn Capitol of America

Source: Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers - ABC News

There’s something funny in here, with a healthy dose of hypocrisy.

hmmm, interesting. But I find that basing something like this purely on the number of online subscription to be a bit misleading, what with all the free subscrptionless sites out there. I know I, for one, haven’t paid for porn in ages :smiley:

It could be that the southern states are less tech savvy and don’t know how to get free porn.

There ain’t nothing like traditional family values… I love the 0.1% drop in subscriptions on Sundays. After all, God did make Sunday the day of rest.

Alternately, it’s no less valid to conclude that porn consumption is just about equal across state lines, and conservative citizens are more likely to respect IP rights. A whole lot of these Red state/Blue state Gotchas can be turned on their head without much effort.

Where’s the hypocricy? Sure, Edelman says: “Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by.” But where does he provide any evidence that this claim is true? He doesn’t. He doesn’t name a single person who “claims to be outraged” by pornography but uses it anyway.

A much more likely explanation is simply that in places like New york and Los Angeles, you can purchase pornography on almost any city block, so there’s no need to purchase it online. In most parts of Utah it’s illegal, so anyone who wants pornography needs to buy it online.

Still, if some people have egos so fragile that they need to resort to believing this sort of nonsense, I guess there’s no harm done.

It just goes to show that people in red states can’t figure out how to get it free. :smiley:

Interesting, if true. I lived in Utah for four years, and the state pursued pornography remorselessly. There were three adult (as in X-rated) theaters when I came to SLC, they were gone by the time I left. They closed down at least one “stripper” bar (where they couldn’t serve anything stronger than 3.2 beer, and the strip[per couldn’t go past what was essentially a bikini) on health code violations. They tried (and failed) to prevent the showing of R-rated movies on premium cable channels (which you paid extra for – no one could claim the movies were foisted upon them.)
This tells me that, whatever the leadership and the government say, the peiople evidently want their porn.
To give Utah its due, though, you could walk in and buy Playboy, Penthouse, and considerably raunchier magazines right on Main Street. and as one LDS date told me, even in the “correlated” bookstores you could buy incredibly steamy romance novels.

The only thing shocking to me is that people pay for porn anywhere! Too much (as in, enough) free stuff!

relevant Xkcd

This seems pretty random. If there’s a coherent joke, I’m not getting it. And, having spent a lot of time in Somerville MA, I think it would be improved by Raptors on HoverBoards. Especially if they’re “velociraptor”-type raptors, and not just predatory birds.

That’s where creator Randall Munroe lives.

A reoccurring joke on the comic is that he is obsessed with defending himself against a possible raptor attack.

I’ve written before about a friend who (pre-internet) ran a XXX phone chat line. The Bible Belt was waay overrepresented in the clientele. And it wasn’t all rural folks who had a 50 mile drive to town before gettin’ up early for chores tomorrow. Birmingham vs Cleveland was like 2:1 corrected for their population differences.

Analysis here…basically, the findings don’t mean much.