Valentine's Day

So, will you be doing anything special? Giving any gifts? We will probably go out to dinner. How will YOU show your undying love?

(Yes, this is a thinly veiled attempt to steal some of y’all’s ideas. I also have an anniversary coming up next week.) :smiley:

It’s a Thursday, and my boyfriend lives in another state, so probably a phone call. We’re doing the actual Valentine’s thing that weekend. We’ll probably do dinner.

I’m planning a massacre.

I don’t have an SO this year so I decided to ask my friend’s little girl to be my valentine. I sent her a Care Bear (Funshine bear) and she has named it after me!

I figured she probably gets so much stuff on Christmas and her birthday that she’d never remember a gift from me, so I picked some other random holiday as an excuse to give her gifts.

We usually do something like dinner then dancing or a weekend at a B&B, but I have class on Thursday and some other commitments in San Francisco over the weekend. Maybe we’ll cook a nice meal together Friday night or something, open a bottle of wine, and just snuggle after dinner.

In keeping with a tradition I started when I was footloose and fancy free over ten years ago, I bought myself my own gift. This pretty heart necklace, that I am hoping will arrive in time for me to wear on Thursday.

Probably just go out to dinner. We’ve never made a big deal over VD.

Just stay in your own town, okay? I don’t want a big fight over who gets front page here.

Well, really, it’s nothing to freak out over, with antibiotics being what they are now.

I know what I want to do, but I suspect wifey is going to be too busy, so it’ll be just another Thursday…

My thoughts exactly!

We’re sort of anti-VD, so I don’t have any good ideas to offer you, although I certainly don’t begrudge others the opportunity to enjoy a romantic evening.

Maybe I’ll spend that evening hanging out here, hoping for sordid details about other Dopers’ experiences that night. :slight_smile:

I just ordered my SO a pair of finger puppets, to be delivered to his office. One flying pig and one dragon. They should go well with the yak I got him a few years ago.

On the 14th? Probably dinner at home, followed by watching a movie together, on the sofa.

My SO will be on the other side of the country on Valentine’s Day: he’s starting a new job with a California-based company, and on Sunday he leaves for 2-week orientation out there. I bought him a card that I will send to his hotel. :slight_smile: I’ve told him that going to CA doesn’t let him off the hook for roses, but we’ll see if he remembers. He’s not much of a romantic. I’ll be a little disappointed if he completely blows off the day, but will get over it before he comes home.

It will be our second Valentine’s Day together, and the day itself isn’t really a big deal to us. Last year he had a horrible flu, so we didn’t go to dinner or anything (but he crawled out of his death bed to get roses for me!). If he were going to be in town we might try to go to dinner, but then again restaurants tend to be packed/booked for Valentine’s Day. So we probably would have just ordered a pizza and hung out at my place with a DVD.

Man, I’m going to miss him.

I’m an incurable romantic, and we always do something special for Valentine’s Day. Chocolate and a nice dinner are de rigeur, but the wife honestly thinks flowers are a waste of money, so I stopped trying to give her those long ago.

A couple of baskets from Lady Primrose and a couple dozen roses for the two gals in my life, then a nice dinner out.

Since I’m an ugly middle-aged Anglo geek, I’ll be ignoring V-day, except to wish my friends Happy Anniversasy (yes, they chose to get married on February 14th). Maybe I’ll go and give blood or something.

That? That’s brilliant. Seriously. I wonder if my wife and I can schedule platelet donations for that evening.

Ironically, the Canadian Blood Society just called to schedule me for platelet donation. Maybe I’ll take the day off and go downtown to donate. (I would have to take the day off because my work is so far from downtown.)

Wife came home from shopping with the youngest last weekend, said she had bought herself an outrageously expensive pair of sunglasses, and asked if I wanted to give them to her for VD. As far as I’m concerned, her picking out her own gift is more than enough of a gift for me!

She recently bought a banjo, so I just went on ebay and bought her a copy of a book I like in which the main character is teaching himself banjo - Soldier’s Joy by Madison Smartt Bell. $4.75 including shipping - I think she’s worth it!

I’m leaving work early to take Ivylad down for his MRI.

Light the candles, baby.

That would pretty much make Valentine’s for me, seeing the wife sittin’ on a couch wearin’ some shades and playing the banjo. Dang, Dinsdale ol’ buddy, you’ve got to share your secret with us! Seriously, that’s way cool.