vB question: is there a tag to maintain indents?

Sometimes I post a quotation that has nested indents or tabs. If I just use the “quote” function, the tabs are ignored and everything gets left justified.

Is there a tag that allows the tabs/indents to stay in place?

well, there’s [****code] which will display the text exactly as it is in the original, but since it removes the automatic “line break” function it can cause massive sidescroll, so preview first. Or you can put the indents back in by nesting [****quote] tags.


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You can insert &nbsp to add a space; insert three and you’ve got a tab. A pain, yeah, but sometimes better than using the code option with its resulting widescreen output.

Ouch! Time to fire up the Sunday morning coffee pot. You can insert & nbsp without a space between the ampersand and the nbsp to get:
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A tabbed indent.

IIRC, you can manually embed nested quote tags – but you need to remember to deactivate all of them, or they won’t work.

And if you use &nb****sp; you should really put a semicolon at the end. Most browsers will figure out what you meant without it, but it can potentially cause some weirdness.