Vegas dopefest????

Okaya ladies and gents…

I might (stress might) have a damn good deal with Embassy Suites come Vegas Dopefest 2003 in dealing with them for a "C Springs dopefest.)

All I need (altough I might have a hard time financially going) is a serious, YES from those that want to go. And I will make a serious plea for the dopefesters for Vegas, if you will. I oddly enough have connections there.

It’s an Embassy suites hotel. A

That wasn’t 'sposed to happen, that post, but if you are wanting to go Vegasfest 2003 I think I can get rates for as low as $56 a night…

First off, when is Vegas 2003?

I second lel’s question.

I third lel’s question.

Columbus Day weekend I believe…Diane is more up on the dates but I happened to mention it to the woman I was talking to and going over my drunken notes, it would be at the Flamingo. I don’t recall ever going in their place but I imagine it’s not too cheesy like the Imperial Hotel.

I can go if you make it for the first week in September, since that’s when we’ll already be there, lol.

BTW, the Flamingo is nice, both the casino and the hotel. The pool is one of the best I’m told.

Is Terribles casino out of the question?


To the best of my knowledge it’s set for Columbus Day weekend. So that’s the deal I guess.

Anyone of authority here have any idea…I am lost as usual.

I think it’s a GREAT idea!! However, I live here, so I won’t need a room.

rechchick68, what kind of authority are you looking for?

Those rates you quoted are really good for a holiday weekend.

Sorry about that, Techchick68

Until a firm date is set, I have to be a maybe. My vote would be a Sat. nite for the festivities.


cool. Where do I go to find out more?

Hey techie, dear, I’m still interested (I got some pants).

I’m in again. Last year, SO wasn’t feeling that well, but he is all better now.

I live here, so if you have any questions let me know (or any of the other Vegas locals…Hello Diane!)

Re: Terrible’s Hotel Casino…despite the name, actually quite a nice place to stay. It used to be the truly wretched Continental, but the “Terrible Herbst” family (local chain of gas stations) bought it and remodeled. Walking distance to Hard Rock and a hell of a lot cheaper, but a bit of a schlep to the Strip…might need a taxi, at least coming home at night.

Other “cheaper” but nice hotels:
On the Strip there is Stardust, Westward Ho, Imperial, Barbary Coast. There is even a Motel 6 on the Strip that is across the street from MGM Grand.
Off the Strip are Orleans, Rio, Gold Coast and any of the Station Casinos (some of the Stations are quite far from the Strip).
Off the Strip and “in” but not cheap…Palms and Hard Rock and Green Valley Ranch.
WAY off the Strip is the new Ritz Carlton out at Lake Las Vegas (the area Celine Dion lives in. Multi-Million dollar homes all around the lake). It isn’t totally finished yet, but it should be by then. Very, very nice, but at 16 miles from the Strip, you will need a car.
Best bet is to go onto and check out the prices. Sometimes you can actually get deals at Bellagio, Venetian, Paris or other WAY upscale places.
Book early and you might get deals at all of the above.

Hiya - Yep, Viva Las Dopefest Part II will be over the Columbus Day weekend. Somewhere around October 13 or something, I dunno, I don’t have a calendar at the moment.

I ran into more than a few problems trying to book blocks of rooms last year in order to receive a group rate. If I may be a coward and back out of that duty this year, I would be ever so grateful.

I LURVED Terribles Casino (OMG God, did we have fun there last year or WHAT!?!?) However, my personal preference is to stay on the strip. I may or may not drive my own car to Vegas but either way, I don’t want to spend a lot on cabfare to and from the Strip. IIRC, Zette and I paid $20 each direction from NY-NY to Fremont Street due to the traffic.

I don’t want to be the difficult child in the hotel decision AND I am roomming with other Dopers and can’t speak for them. For now, I think my best bet would be to do my own room thing and if by chance a block on the Strip is booked, I will most likely jump on that if it is okay. I just don’t want to commit right now.

That doesn’t mean I won’t be there though - HELL YEAH! PAR-TAAAAAAAY! I am there!!!

We should start to think about a group gathering. Nancy did a wonderful job last year :::applause::: but she no longer lives in Vegas so I don’t even dare ask. I do think that Buca de Beppo (did I get that right?) was fantastic and the after dinner party across the street at Terribles was even fantasticererer! We can only pray for the same :::cough::: “quality entertainment”.

Saturday night would be wonderful, I think.

I would also like to suggest a night on Fremont Street. You all don’t know what you missed out on when Zette and I cruised down there Sunday night. Holy ceeeeeeeeerap! Penny machines, piss warm free beer, Marde Gras beads, and the two old (and I mean OLD) drunk ladies who we hooked up with (that will be the two of us in 40 years).

If we are taking votes, those are mine.

Another thing I will throw out. If I drive down, I will be driving home through Zions Ntl Park and Bryce Canyon. If you have never been there, I very highly suggest it! Both are freakin’ awesome!

I know my way around both like I know the skids in my shorts. If anyone wants to extend their weekend and follow me north, I will be more than happy to play tourguide.

Hiya DMark! I am glad that your SO is feeling much better! Hopefully we will be seeing more of you two this trip!

For those with LJ, join this community to get further information:

I think we need to start making an informal roster to get some idea of how many will be going.

I’ll start:


Me. Me me me me me me me. I missed it last year and I’m still pissed off about it.

I’ll be there if I have to give handjobs for quarters to pay for my room.


Assuming I am able to swing the $ to go, I am there and I will be renting a car to drive out there so if people want to go to Fremont Street, I will take a trip up there one of the nights. So the more people with cars, the better for that as it’s expenive to go up there.

But I agree, if we can set a date and get a running tally of the people that may be able to go, I will call the Flamingo back or any of the other places and get room rates. I did that for Vegas 2000 and was pretty successful. Of course we only had 13 people but was able to secure the rooms anyway.

If people are interested I do have an “in” at the Aladdin because my dad frequents there. All they ask is that people gamble at least a half hour a day there.

I am on the way to getting a regular outside-the-home job so the the sooner that we decide on dates, the easier it will be for me to get the time off. In addition, I will be more than willing to to the leg work to get some functions set up at various places and even start a website on my Geocities site for those wanting more tangible information that will link to this thread and to the LJ community. (I dig doing that kind of stuff.)

How do you think Zette and I financed our cabfare to Fremont Street? Hmmmmmmmmmmm? It’s a money maker.

You are a darling Techie and you SOOOOOOOOOO better come!!!

I may have my car, but if Fremont Street affects me like it did last time (themanymanymanycupsoffreepisswarmbeer), I think I will be better off paying the $20 cabfare back to the hotel, IYKWIM.

Last time I was there we were routinely fitting the five of us in one taxi. It’s cheap, and you get to know your friends better than you ever thought possible. Besides, you get all the best gossip from cabbies.