Venture Bros - 08/03

That was one rockin’ episode.

I loved the whole thing with 21 & 24. The combination of Expendability and Invulnerability that makes them great henchmen. The beauty of the Henchman #1 thing and his ultimate demise.

Jonas not wanting to play along, then kinda learning that he has to.

The giant robot Mighty Morphin Power Ranger thing…with a clown head instead of a left arm. Funny.

The Monarch learning of the loophole that allows him to legitimately attack Rusty!

Now…someone give me a dart.

Awwwww…sweet blisszzzzzzzzzz.

That was a ripoff of Voltron, which, of course, MMPR’s ripped off too.

All in all though, the episode was quite neat. To be honest, I really like the Rusty-Monarch dynamic, and eagerly await them getting back to it.

I noticed that The Monarch called Dr. Mrs The Monarch “Dr. Girlfriend”, and that she is back to her old Jackie O outfit. Is there a reason for this that I missed, perhaps from the previous episode?

No reason that I could catch, and Lunarnoodle commented on that too (I didn’t even catch it). I honestly have no idea why it was done, but if I had to guess, I’d wager it was “things are getting back to how they used to be”.

WAG though.

“They like their system, It’s what they do. Mess it up and you have a bunch of pissed off nutbags with ray guns and a… I don’t know, a octopus/tank with lazer eyes”

“I saw one of those once.”

Doe and Cardholder are great characters, and I hope we see more of them.
Watch and Ward were also great. Rainbow Brite. Heh.

The episode order was a little messed up by this one. It would have made more sense if they had switched “Tears of a Sea Cow” and “Now museum, now you don’t” Small thing, I know.

Is anyone able to see this on the Adult Swim site? I missed the broadcast and can’t get it to come up on either my home or work computer. (or so I assume since I would never ever watch videos on my work computer!)

It was intentional, though admittedly awkward.

At the end of Tears of a Sea Cow, it showed the Cocoon flying toward Spider Skull Island with “Two Weeks Later” underneath. That is to say, between Monarch invading the Venture compound and the authorization he could attack Jonas, there was a two-week skip (and two weeks in real time). “Now Museum, now you don’t” takes place after the Monarch invaded the compound but before he attacked Spider Skull Island. This week’s episode had a few callbacks to the museum episode, including it already being opened and the secret tunnels unlocked.

“Let me tell you a story about a little henchman named Speedy…”

R.I.P Speedy. :wink:

That was brilliant. I actually find Jonas Jr’s group more interesting than Rusty’s, with the exception of Brock. Brock plus JJ is great stuff.

The Voltron parody had me dying from the start. Not as good as the Firestarter ref, but almost.

Stop it! I’m not going to die!

Poor guy never got his wings.

Giant robot humor! What’s not to love?

Finally got to see it! Excellent show and I love that the Captain has a tranq dart monkey.

Interview with Jackson Public and the guy who plays Dean up at adult swim.

Tranq dart monkey. Actually, considering how strong the drugs in those darts must be, it kinda figures.