Very happy with Discourse

I would give anything for a functional “subscribed threads” list. Hopefully there’s an easy way to do it here on discourse, but the last time I thought that about a feature it turned out nope, discourse just doesn’t have that feature. At all. Literally no support whatsoever for forum-specific moderators.

So is there an easy way to get discourse to show me a list of:

  • Threads I’ve posted to or have “subscribed to” (“Watching”, I think?)
  • In order of last activity (most recent post by anyone, not just me)
  • With only ONE entry per thread in the list

I’ve messed around with the search but search keeps asking me for a search term. I don’t want the list filtered by a search term.

After around a month of regular use, my review is that the minilist that appears as soon as you click your icon in the top right doesn’t work; it only lists direct quotes and mentions of you. If I post a new thread and nobody directly quotes me or posts a mention of my name, I don’t think it will appear in that list. (Would mentioning myself work? Let’s try: @EllisDee)

Clicking my user icon => my name => Activity kinda sorta does it, but it only shows my posts and I get one entry for every post instead of thread. So that’s not really any better.

Anyone know how to achieve this? The User CP is the main way I’ve accessed the boards for years now.