Recently, VH1 aired another “Greatest _________ of _________” countdown. This time, it was an oddly specific category; “The 100 Greatest Women in Music in the Past 20 Years.” (On the website, VH1 simply says “from 1990 and later” so you get an extra couple of years, I suppose.) Hmm. OK, I guess that narrows things down a bit and gives the newer artists a chance. This could be good.
Now, I know that these kinds of lists are always targets of criticism and conjecture because of the obviously subjective nature of “Best of” lists and the deliberately ambiguous qualification of “great.” What, exactly, do they mean by “great” anyway? Best-selling? Most play in the clubs or on the radio? Most Grammy awards? Most influential? Most talented? The website blurb says, “This one’s all about the ladies. It’s time to recognize the women who changed music history–and the ones aiming to someday become legends themselves–in VH1’s 100 Greatest Women In Music.” It seems like they tried to get a little bit of everything in this list, which certainly does more to confuse matters than anything. On the one hand, they have Kim Deal (of the Pixies and the Breeders) and P.J. Harvey on the list, which might lead one to believe that the list is about talent and influence over sheer popularity… but then they have Miley Cyrus ranked higher than either of them, and they’re talking about “Party in the U.S.A.”, which, by the way, Miley Cyrus had no hand in writing, according to the handy Pop-Up Video segment that aired between countdown segments. Really? Why is Miley Cyrus even on this list? And then they have Cher on the list, and they’re talking mostly about the video for “If I Could Turn Back Time” where she’s walking around in a fishnet onesie thong thing and also about the song where she introduced the world to the scourge of Autotune. “If I Could Turn Back Time” was from an album from 1989, guys; unless this list was made in 2009, that’s past your cutoff point. In any case, Cher’s overall presence on the music scene over the last 20 years has been rather steadily low-key. Saying she’s one the greatest in the last 20 years is like saying Led Zeppelin is the best rock band of the last decade because Robert Plant is still making music.
Still, the fact that they’re jumping around in regards to what qualifies as “great” gave me hope that some really good choices might be near the top. I mean, we all know Madonna’s gonna win this thing, right? You might as well just do a list that’s called “The Greatest Women in Music (Other than Madonna) to make it more interesting. But then they start having these little bits before the commercial breaks about “Lady Legends”. explaining that these are women whose importance and impact are so great as to defy any attempt to rank them. Huh. So you have a list of the greatest women in music over the last two decades EXCEPT for these women who are SO great they can’t be ranked… Well, I guess that’s great, a way to say that these women unquestionably transcend the criteria for ranking and all that, except you would think that Winner-Of-Everything Madonna would be heading up that list by now, along with Whitney Houston and the rest of the usual list-toppers from the past decade or so. Instead, they list Ani Difranco as a “Lady Legend” (which I think is appropriate, if for nothing else than the sheer volume of her work and her business acumen; I personally am a fan of her music, but I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea) along with some others and they don’t really talk about these transcendantly great women at all! They talk about Miley Cyrus and M.I.A. and Ke$ha at length, though…what the hell, VH1? What was your measuring stick for “greatest” on this list? How in the world can you say, “Well, we’re just going to say this one group of women is too great for any list, but then we’re still going to have Madonna and Whitney Houston up there at the top of the actual list, right?”
Congratulations, VH1; you’ve managed to achieve previously unreachable depths of incomprehensibility.
So, that rant out of the way, did anyone else watch, and who do you think got left out or undeservedly put on the list?