Vice President predictions

So the list of viable candidates is looking shorter. Hillary, Bernie, Trump, Cruz, and Rubio. And then big maybes Kasich, Carson, Christie.

What are some of the more likely VP selection possibilities?

I am curious to see if many think that the above list of candidates contain likely choices.

Trump/Cruz vs Clinton/Sanders?

Clinton/Kasich vs Rubio/Carson?

Clinton would pick a Republican? Do you mean O’Malley? He and Sanders are from the northeast, so it is less likely that she would pick either of them (or vice versa).

Hillary picking a Republican running mate like Kasich might be interesting. That may attract the few remaining reasonable Republicans if she’s running against someone like Cruz.

I can’t see Cruz or Trump picking either of the other, they detest each other.

Sanders would probably need a mainstream Democrat to run with him, like John Hickenlooper or Mark Dayton.

Hillary could go anywhere. Maybe somebody more liberal, like Sherrod Brown, or possibly Julian Castro.

If it’s Hillary, then Carly Fiona has pretty good odds of becoming Veep on the GOP ticket.

She’s a good choice for that. She can attack Hillary in way that’s not acceptable from a man, she’s from the West Coast, and she’s sufficiently conservative for any of the candidates.

Moved to Elections as you asked.

I think that would be a mistake. If the Democrats nominate a woman for the job of President and the Republicans nominate a woman for the job of Vice-President, it would be too much of a metaphor for the comparative importance the two parties give to women.

Considering lots of conservatives / evangelicals sincerely believe it is the role of women to be subordinate to men, why would that bother them?

Kasich is of moderate temperament, but his politics are very right wing. If Clinton wants a Republican, she’ll go for a genuine moderate. And there aren’t any Republican moderates anymore with real stature who aren’t ancient. Well, there is one who is ancient, but would work well: Colin Powell.

My predictions:

Clinton/Wes Clark- Clinton values loyalty and someone who shares her worldview. Wes Clark is perfect and adds value to the ticket. He’s popular with Democrats and moderates.

Rubio/Tim Scott-Scott’s well timed endorsement plus the appeal of a young, multicultural ticket will be hard to resist.

Cruz/Rand Paul- Cruz will have trouble getting anyone to join his Goldwateresque ticket. Paul shares Cruz’s anti establishment attitude, although they are not ideologically the same.

Trump/Carson-Trump is more likely just going to handpick someone he likes that we’ve never heard of, but of known national figures Carson makes the most sense for a guy like Trump. Trump could also grab Allen West, or perhaps a right-wing general like Anthony Zinni or Hugh Shelton.

Kasich/Rubio- If Kasich pulls it off, he doesn’t need experience to balance the ticket, he needs youth. Rubio is jjust so obvious.

Christie/Walker- Two governors are fighters, plus Christie needs to get the base excited since they’ll be “meh” over his nomination. The base loves Walker, and frankly Walker’s exit was premature.

Bush/Condi Rice- The Bushes, like the Clintons, value loyalty, and Rice is loyal, serving both Bushes and will probably serve a third if she gets the chance.

Since VP picks are one in a hundred type deals, don’t count these as predictions, just best guesses. For each VP possibility I named, there are plenty of other candidates for each potential nominee who can give them what they are looking for.

Other than George HW Bush, have we seen a serious rival during the primary get rewarded with a VP seat? Recently? Isn’t it an attempt to, instead, get a swing state to fall in line?

With that in mind, and I think I’m alone in this, glancing at political rags, but what about Susana Martinez from New Mexico for the GOP? Woman, lacks the baggage of Fiorina, (or Haley if you think that the Confederate flag taking down is going to give butthurt to a bunch of your base), Hispanic, untainted with what I had thought was a ubiquitous corruption scandal for all NM politicians. Seems there’s a bit to like there.

For the Dems, I still can’t figure out why you all haven’t gone with Biden/Warren, with language to the effect that Biden’ll call it a day after one term. Or heck, just let Warren run. Is Warren likely to be indicted any time soon? Is Warren an out and out Socialist? Doesn’t she have a lot, if not all of Hillary’s positives and very few of her negatives?

If you don’t want to do Warren, then isn’t there a swing state Dem who’ll work?

It will almost certainly be one of those two, probably Castro.

Bernie supporters will be lobbying for him to be on the ticket, which is adorable but…no.

Don’t flatter yourself. Sanders doesn’t seem interested in the VP slot, and I’m pretty sure most of his supporters aren’t either.

Okay, good! (I don’t know what this has to do with “yourself”, which is to say *my *self, but whatever…)

John Edwards was the last serious candidate to get a VP slot. Martinez lost a lot of buzz from her drunken hotel room incident last summer. Biden isn’t running and Warren has indicated she’d rather stay in the Senate, plus losing her seat would create another special election.

I like Hillary picking Sherrod Brown. Will shore up the liberal wing and help hang onto Ohio.

Trump will be hard pressed to pick a first mate for the voyage of the Titanic. I still say Scott Brown will be his pick by virtue that he won’t be forfeiting a seat to run.

That’s also a lost Senate seat as Kasich would fill the vacancy.

Ewww. I didn’t think of that. Julian Castro then. This would make the Latino vote a rout against Trump. Trump may as well pick Joe Arpaio then.

Hillary, if she wins, will pick some relatively young and male: Julian Castro, Corey Booker, Montana gov Steve Booker, maybe Jon Tester (though he’s not that young at 59), or O’Malley.

Sanders, if he wins, will pick Elizabeth Warren or someone relatively young and female (Warren is not young, but she is very popular): Kirsten Gillibrand, NH Gov Maggie Hassan, Oregon Gov Kate Brown, or maybe RI Gov Gina Raimondo

No idea who Trump would pick.

Cruz would get a lot of rejections since he’s so hated within the party; he might be forced to pick someone like Steve King, or some other nut in Congress. Maybe Allen West. There might be a chance Scott Walker would say yes.

Rubio will pick Kasich, or another experienced Republican governor – young, relatively inexperienced candidates almost always pick older and experienced politicians (like Cheney and Biden).

Kasich, Bush, or Christie would pick Rubio, or maybe Nikki Haley.

Because the Republicans don’t have to worry about conservatives and evangelicals defecting to the Democrats. But they’re already facing an uphill battle for women voters.