Vick pleads guilty, but wants to know what his career options are.

Okay, what about Arena football then? There’s a team here he can play on, within driving distance of the Bad Newz kennels.

At this point, Vick’s career options should be limited to working the fryer or the take-out window.

I agree, especially when you think he obviously wasn’t into the dogfighting for the money, he could make 100 times as much between salary and endorsements.

It was solely for the thrill that he did it, which just boggles my mind, considering what he has lost because of it.

They might have to cut a few guys to get the team roster down to size.

Yeah, at this point they might consider a seperate league altogether.

I think ZipperJJ was talking about forcing the NFL’s hand on the lifetime ban.

The thing that may wind up getting Vick banned would be the gambling aspect.

I simply cannot decide if I want to make a Raiders joke or a Bengals joke here…

Licence plates or rock breaking?

I can’t see him getting that much time in prison. I reckon he’ll get banned from the NFL for a year which will run with his year in prison.

Yeah what I’m saying is that if Vick makes it back into the NFL I want PETA to get out to his home stadium and do picketing and whatnot and encourage people to not support the team or the league that lets him in.

Why? Well it’s purely personal and emotional, as I am a dog fanatic.

The NFL is all about money. If PETA can rile up enough fans about Vick so that the NFL loses some ticket money, enough to make them re-consider letting Vick back in, then that’d be cool.

And who better to yell and scream at the NFL on behalf of the puppies than PETA? Everyone thinks they’re crazy already. I’d feel kind of bad if the Humane Society went out there and looked nuts but if PETA does it, eh, it’s just another day.

Am I the only one imagining this as an lolcat caption?

Have there been any NFL suspensions for longer than a full season, but less than an outright ban? It looks like Vick’s not playing this year regardless, so a one year ban seems pretty meaningless.

I’m trying to think now if there’s any way Vick could possibly rehabilitate his image. It seems impossible, but you never know. What if he played next year, and donated his entire salary to animal charities? Something like that?

Also, not that I want him playing up here after this, but I have to say if he ever did somehow end up playing in the CFL it would be ridiculous. Doug Flutie pretty much dominated the league with scrambling ability, so I don’t know what Vick would be capable of.

Yeah, but I’d rather not give them (PETA) any more publicity, as it makes me all angry and constricted inside just thinking about it. They don’t seem to believe in such a thing as bad publicity.

If PETA threatened the NFL I can’t believe their reaction would be anything other than “Go piss up a flagpole. The majority of our fans already think you’re crazy.”

Yeah, PETA acts crazy a lot of the time, but they’re an excellent squeaky wheel. If Vick ever plays another game in the NFL and PETA (or any animal rights group) holds protests outside games, I’ll go join the protests.

They could ban him for this year and then decide to re-examine the case.

The league may want to see what exactly he’s admitting to in his plea, and there still may be other charges brought by Surry County, so they can suspend him for this season - because what’s the soonest he could go to jail, November? He would miss next year too anyway. And he won’t be able to get out of jail and play immediately anyway. He’d need a long time to build his physical condition back up.

If you locked them in a room for a few hours, I think they’d probably cut a few guys on their own.

Boot his sorry ass out of the league and make him work for a living like the rest of us people do. What an idiot to ask “what are my career options” from now on.

I don’t know why people think he’s ever going to need to work. Even if he never earns another dollar from the league and has to give some money back to the Falcons, he’s made tens of millions of dollars in his career.

He couldn’t do that in prison?