This is a very specific techie question, but maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
Many years ago I copied some home videos into AVIs on my computer. I borrowed a video capture card to do it, as they were rare and expensive things then. Unfortunately, unknown to me, I had foolishly selected a coding for the AVIs that relied on hardware decompression. :smack: So basically without the card you can’t play the AVIs.
I’d really like to see those videos again (the orginal tapes are long dead). So what I need is a way of translating the codec into something I can read. What I’ve established so far is that the compression used is BW10, as created by DataTranslation for their “Broadway” video capture card.
Plenty of Googling suggests that a decoder is out there somewhere, but I can’t find it. All leads have turned into dead ends. So, do any dopers have any ideas where I could find such a thing, or any other solution to my problem?