Videogame "Bomberman" blamed in child suicide.,10870,2868899,00.html

Okay, this stuff disgusts me.

“Hey, look - let’s blame it on a game/cartoon/movie for his/her behavior! It’s not my fault at all because I’m a great parent!!”

I’ve seen this happen too many times. Using video games or other forms of entertainment is SUCH a lame copout.

Heh Ya missed the everquest suicide In fact just had a big article on it

Juts look up the archives and the sdmb archives my original thread if its still there …

Well, blaming the world’s problems on an innocent scapegoat makes a bunch of the Bleeding Hearts feel like they’re actually doing something, without requiring them to put any real effort into it.

Hey, don’t try to pin this one on me, spoofe.

From this thread’s title, I was thinking “Well, okay, looks like some little kid was playing a videogame in which people who do exceedingly dangerous things don’t get hurt, and this kid wants to try some of those things. It’s terrible and tragic, but not an entirely unusual urge…” But then I read the article. Oh my g*d. It’s almost as though the police and EVEN THE MOTHER are racking their brains for any possible reason this girl might have just decided to kill herself except that something was fundamentally wrong with some aspect of her life and she was very depressed. The mother says, “She often said she wanted to vanish like many cartoon characters did.” And this wasn’t a clue?! :mad: :frowning:

Hey, now, SPOOFE. I don’t think you can blame anti-game hysteria on liberals. I would bet that gamers tend to be liberals, and liberals aren’t usually the ones leading the “won’t somebody please think of the children” censorship crusades.

Speaking as a gamer, my observation is that blame-the-video-game movements tend to come from the same social strata that practiced blame-Dungeons-and-Dragons about 20 years ago. Not a whole lot of open-minded liberals in that one, as I recall.

well it is good to see something else taking the rap!

Now I can listen to my Judas Priest albumns with no worries :slight_smile:

I find it a shame people want to blame everything or anything they can.

I find it ironic that this thread has gone from a rant about people who blame things on video games to an argument over whose to blame for people blaming things on video games. This thread would never have hijacked like this if it weren’t for those damned Canadians.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Holy shit! They have video games in Thiland?!

I thought they just made all of our stuff…I didn’t know they got to buy any of it!

What was the kid doing playing video games anyway? Shouldn’t she be in the sweat shops like the rest of the children?


Well I’m fairly conservative, and the Pokemon game made me kill myself a couple of years ago…

I say that if they promote suicide, all the more reason to support producing and distributing those games. . …

Just 2 or 3 billion more(less) and we may get someplace!

Rationalization is a powerful force, and it’s far easier to blame something or someone else than to examine your own possible role in such a tragedy.

of course, No one in Thailand has any money, and they all work in sweatshops.

How do you breathe with your head so far up your ass?

Having seen an interview this morning with a couple of psychologists and the parents of a couple of children with whom suicide and video game “addiction” have been linked, I feel obliged to point out that the psychologists weren’t saying “video games cause teen suicides”, they were saying young people who are depressed and potentially suicidal often withdraw from the outside world and immerse themselves in “worlds” which are more controllable and that “obssessive” involvement in video games - the the extent of ignoring real life priorities - may be an indicator of an underlying depressive state which could be treated.

The message was not “video games are bad”, but rather “if your teen seems to be focused on video games and ignoring schoolwork, friends, other activites, etc, you might want to check out how they are feeling about themselves and life in general”.

my original thread with link
Now If verant can get sound psychologial advice on the stand if it ever comes to that They can beat her

But the above statement about the old anti ad&d people on a new witch hunt Seems to be correct as lots of them have used this tragic event ,

Theres tons of questions ot be asked about the family life ,

Since when is banning/blaming video games part of the Bleeding Heart agenda? I’ve always thought it was the other way 'round.

Hey, man, I played Pac-Man and it’s not like, I uh, sit around popping pills, seeing colorful ghosts and listening to repetative music…

Sheesh, bomberman isn’t even a very hard game.

Now killing yourself over Wizardry 9, that I can understand.

<grumble grumble> Damn Hellgators, 3 attacks a round 10% kill and do 90+ damage <grumble>

Anyhoo, I think that more people will start blaming video games for stuff. They aren’t the cause, but they can be a symptom of something being wrong.

Lets face it, video games are an easy escape. You can get totally engrossed in the game and not pay any attention to what is going on in the rest of your life while playing. It becomes a problem when you’re using the video game playing to escape dealing with issues that you need to be dealing with. (I refuse to call all of my video game playing in college escapism, damnit! Those term papers and tests didn’t REALLY need to be studied for, or written. Did they?)

Ehh, I’m not making any sense since I was up to 3 am playing Darkspace (mmm 4 hr long battle pushing the K’luth out of the Sirrus system) [This is not a point in case]. What I’m getting at, is we’ll probably be seeing more people who already have major psychological issues who end up going over the edge, then we’ll find out that they played a LOT of video games, or what they did had a strong correlation to the video games they played. I think its due to escapism.

I’m going to have several pots of coffee.