Can anyone view the video links posted on the CNN web site?
I’ve never gotten one to work, in more than a year of trying, but I always assumed it was some glitch in my own computer. Yesterday I spent 90 minutes with a computer pro trying to fix it, and he finally concluded that – because videos play okay on most other web sites – there is nothing wrong with my computer and it’s a problem on the CNN site.
I find this hard to beleive. Maybe if it was just an intermittent problem I could accept that explanation. But I’ve NEVER seen a link on that site work, and I go there every day, trying the links quite often. Could the CNN web site be so pathetic that they post lots of video web links that never, ever work?
Not asking for computer help here really. Just want to confirm whether others can view the video links or not.
Yesterday I wanted to see Wynona Ryder’s hurt elbow. Today I wanted to see a man catch fish with his bare hands. But alas…
I don’t have the patience to slog through their registration process, but it appears they use the latest version of Realplayer. Are you sure you have it installed? What exactly is your computer doing when it fails to play? Does it pop up the extra video window?
I went on the ‘Cold war’ part of the site and try to get the Videos to work, but am presented with either promotional adverts or previews of whats on next. Does this happen when you attempt it?
Updating my Realplayer was the techie’s final suggestion, the one he was sure would work. It didn’t.
When I click on the video link, nothing happens except that the javascript address shows at the bottom of the screen. No new window, no error message, nothing.
If I right click and try to download it, I first get the animated file transfer screen, followed instantly by an error message saying the file can’t be found at the web site.
I have a good DSL connection, an 800 mhz processor, and doublechecked that my security settings will allow Javascript to load automatically.
FWIW, the same thing happens at
It is beyond my comprehension why CNN would switch to Real video content.
They used to have Quicktime, which is so much cheaper, of better quality and way easier to figure out for the average user. Especially now that Quicktime 6 supports MPG4. RealPlayer is just so overloaded with blinking, irritating buttons and ads, it’s unbearable. That’s assuming the content will load, of course. I haven’t seen the newest RealOne player since Real has apparently decided OS X doesn’t deserve such punishment yet.
It is beyond my comprehension why CNN would switch to Real video content.
They used to have Quicktime, which is so much cheaper, of better quality and way easier to figure out for the average user. Especially now that Quicktime 6 supports MPG4. RealPlayer is just so overloaded with blinking, irritating buttons and ads, it’s unbearable. That’s assuming the content will load, of course. I haven’t seen the newest RealOne player since Real has apparently decided OS X doesn’t deserve such punishment yet.
It is beyond my comprehension why CNN would switch to Real video content.
They used to have Quicktime, which is so much cheaper, of better quality and way easier to figure out for the average user. Especially now that Quicktime 6 supports MPG4. RealPlayer is just so overloaded with blinking, irritating buttons and ads, it’s unbearable. That’s assuming the content will load, of course. I haven’t seen the newest RealOne player since Real has apparently decided OS X doesn’t deserve such punishment yet.