Vile, rank 'foodstuffs'

Mange Tout = French for ‘eat all’ - also the name given to immature peapods where the whole pod is eaten. Not pronounced maynj towt, more like monj tou.

Kalhoun, I love macaroni and cheese too. Just none that comes out of a box (well, the elbows can come out of a box, but I think you know what I mean). I just made some this weekend.

To the best of my knowledge, Daddy, microwave popcorn are ‘real’ kernels. It just turns out that the microwave is a very efficient way to cook any popcorn. And yes, parmesan cheese is not cheap, but it’s not a tradeoff I’m willing to make.

I think they should ban the foul substance known as “Miracle” Whip. It’s a miracle they can turn a profit selling this stuff.

What exactly is Miracle Whip? - from context, I’ve never been able to quite work out whether it is a dessert or a mayonnaise substitute.

Well my IBS is triggered by fat, so I’m afraid my pantry and fridge are filled with the “abominable” I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, fat-free Miracle Whip, fat free Parmesan style cheese food, and other crimes against nature.

One of the absolute nastiest products I’ve ever wasted money on, was Brown Sugar Total cereal. Imagine cardstock covered with a thin, impenetrable veneer of brown molasses flavored shellac. Ugh - my mouth can still taste the vileness!

The powdered fake butter you can add to popcorn is high on my list…all of the calories and none of the flavor. You can also add Coffee Mate to the list, whodathunk that it would actually be better for your heart to use real cream.

Miracle Whip for dessert?:eek:

Miracle Whip topped hot chocolate
Pie a la Miracle Whip
Miracle Whip torte

Ugh…I thought it was mainly used in lieu of the store being out of Hellman’s or something (or not knowing how to make your own - I made some recently using thyme vinegar mmmmmmm).

Miracle Whip - a mayonnaise substitute

Urp. Let’s not go down that road. We shall raise Fenris’ hackles far too high. :wink:

Oh, and in case someone thinks I am some sort of foodist or fooderali or something, I do love my Kraft macaroni & cheese and have a special place in my heart for it. I think it’s my arteries.

Does a foodist eat in the nude?

I felt that way too, Daddy. Then I recovered from my dizziness and saw that while our store was charging $3.99 per pound for whole chunks of parm, the $3.99 Kraft canister of powdered stuff is only 8 ounces.

And if you run the chunk slowly through the fine shredder on high speed (KitchenAid, yeah!), you get the same fluffy texture of the Kraft, except it doesn’t taste like grated umbrella handles.

Microwave popcorn
Make your own pizza in a box
“Instant” mashed potatoes

Specifically, it seems to have a much smoother texture and a somewhat sweeter taste than regular mayonnaise. It also doesn’t have a slightly yellow tinge to it, unlike some mayonnaises I’ve seen.

The label calls it “salad dressing”, but it’s more like a sauce for cold pasta/potato/egg/tuna salads than the sort of dressing one puts over greens and other vegetables.

Anything involving the word “jellied”.

Potted meat food product.

Aka “meat putty”.

Aka “Mystery Pate”.

Spam is okay. Treet is not.

Cooked, chopped, pressed, formed anything.

Brussel Sprouts.
I love pretty much all other veggies but I can’t stand these.

Fig Newtons

baby corn is tha devil.


Whoever decided blueberries are edible was a sick person. NOTHING that color is edible.

And Jello. The texture alone should be a clue that it is not food.