Virtual Birthday Party for Rue DeDay!!

Happy Birthday to my #1 bestest Doper Friend! Wish I was able to give you a big ol’ birthday smooch, but I can’t, so I’m throwing you a virtual party. And slyly giving you a virtual pinch on your cute virtual butt.

<Tossing confetti with wild and reckless abandon>

Hats for everyone! Noisemakers all around! C’mon in - the more the merrier!

Yay, Rue!!!

Oh, you can feel the love here! And boy is there a lot of love to feel. It’s not all champagne and dancing girls, but really who needs champagne and dancing girls…

Hey… there’s something over there… Maybe that’s where the dancing girls got too.

But thanks for the love. It’s nice.
-Rue. (with dancing girls on my mind)