Vote in Canada's election of Hotties and Hunks

The Governor General of Canada is a hottie:

The Prime Minister of Canada is a hunk:

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada is a hottie:

Although no date for an election has been announced, the parties firing up their machines, and candidates are out speechifying. In keeping with Canada’s new found tradition of very good looking potentates, who should win our next election:

  1. Stephen Harper

  2. Stéphane Dion

  3. Gilles Duceppe

  4. Jack Layton

  5. Elizabeth May

In the spirit of inclusion, people of all nationalities are welcome to vote for Canada’s next Prime Minister, so cast your votes, one and all – vote early and vote often and don’t forget to say why you voted the way you did.

The GG is hot-ish, and the Chief Justice seems a fine looking woman too, from that photo. Are you trying to say that this Stephen Harper is better looking than the rest of them? He looks like an fairly ordinary Joe to me.

Jack Layton’s a bit of a cutie. Harper - ewww.

She used to be hotter.

OMG, their teeth! They all seem to have gapless, straight rows of white teeth.

Canada must have picked up American rather than British dental traditions.

And I had so carefully stepped round any possibly ageist comments.

No, nothing to do with her age. Just her hair.

Sorry, I thought you meant Beverley McLachlin.

A few weeks ago, I was at a community dinner at which most folks did not dress up – just come as you are on a Sunday evening, and chow down. The politicians were out in full force. The hopeful at my table was wearing a jacket and tie, as per the order from his campaign manager, despite his being in a party that is not known for wearing ties. He set off making a round of the room, shaking people’s hands.

This primary opposition was also in a jacket and tie, and worked the room clinching shoulders and giving hugs.

So there I was sitting there, thinking it’s a good thing that these glad handing, shoulder grasping, hugging politicians are good looking. It would be a pity to be politically groped by an ugly politician. Then it occurred to me, that perhaps these folks didn’t just happen to be good looking – they were groomed for it and would never have been elected by their respective riding associations had they not been good looking in the first place.

Then the food arrived, and all thoughts left my head other than Yummers!

But then a couple of days ago one of the local Members of Parliament was booted out of his party for supporting a budget that significantly helps our community, so his riding association is looking for a new candidate. One of the top contenders, who has been speaking to me for several years about running, used to be a male model.

I’m sure of it now – Canada is on to something in picking good looking leaders. That way if you don’t like whatever it is that they are doing on the job, you can at least look up to them, or rather look up at them, and be soothed by their fine physiognomy.

I just want to say that Michigan’s Governor, Jennifer Granholm is a hottie Canadian.

What about Dr. David Suzuki? Mike Holmes?

Only if Mike puts a shirt on under those overalls.No more pit shots!

And Harper, regardless of his politics, looks like Damien from The Omen grown up.