Wakanda Forever

That entire idea fails because China would be 100% all over Wakanda realistically.

In fact that would be a way better movie idea, Wakanda vs China.

Which Disney will never, ever do, because Marvel movies make a shitload of money in China and that is an audience they know they must never alienate.

Hence my caveat that if this is the angle, it will likely be softened as non-specific or non-governmental entities being the manipulating adversary.

Yeah, I can see that one can easily take away the wrong lesson from that post of mine. To me specifically, my race and gender aren’t important parts of my identity. But to others, they are. And yet other people will find important parts of their identity in many other traits. So it’s important for movies to have all kinds of characters, including of all races, and genders, and personality types, and orientations, and religions, and so on. And it’s important to have them in all sorts of roles, heroes, villains, those who help the heroes and villains, bystanders, etc.

Have they had any issues with “gay stuff” in China? I know that Disney absolutely buckles 99% of the time when it comes to gay representation in movies and so forth, but they actually have had a couple of moments I could see China reject. There was a gay kiss in Eternals and that America girl in Dr. Strange 2 had two moms.

Did Eternals or Dr. Strange 2 get released there? Eternals, in my opinion, ended up being a really bad movie, but they could have made some money in China.

Yeah, that stuff is removed in China. Those elements get dubbed differently (so two moms become a mom and an aunt, or whatever) or are shot for the film in such a way that they can be excised entirely without impacting anything else.

Far from Home was the last MCU movie released in China, none of phase 4 has been.

I’m not White, and I’d say exactly the same.

That is changing, slowly.

Wow, so they really are losing massive money. OK, then.

Theaters were still shut down in China when BW came out, but for No Way Home they wanted Marvel to remove the Statue of Liberty. Seeing as how this meant changing the entire climax of the film Marvel refused and they’ve kept refusing since then.

What was their specific concern with the Statue?

Basically anything pro-America = bad, basically. Chinese censorship has gotten a lot more strict because China wants to promote their own movies instead of having western movies at the top of their box offices. Between that and the lockdowns, it’s just not as lucrative to kowtow to them anymore.

Man, they must really have a hard time with Michael Bay films.

As I suspected, it looks like they’re not using the name Atlantis. Very very minor spoiler about the new name is in the hidden section following.


Towards the end of this article:


The film’s composer refers to Talocan as the other culture/civilization, in opposition to Wakanda.

What is this, you ask? A simplification of a name known from Aztec folklore:

Tlālōcān - Wikipedia

Basically, a mystical realm, inaccessible to mortals.

Not a bad analog for a lost paradise.

What’s more, Talocan already exists in Marvel comics. It’s the home of these guys:

Tēteoh | Marvel Database | Fandom

So maybe they’re taking advantage of the opportunity to distance themselves from Atlantis, and doing a more complex mythology merge. We’ll see.

I don’t think white governed really has anything to do with it. If any country suddenly appeared in the middle of any continent, every other country in the world would be suspicious. I mean, come on. A country that’s been invisible to everyone on earth for centuries is going to send everyone to red alert.

Once everyone knows they are peaceful and has seen their technology, businesses are going to fight each other to get a piece of the action. Hell, once people saw flying cars, there would be so much bootlicking the Wakandan’s would be sickened by it and go back into hiding. Just a piece of that action would be a world changer and make Bezos look like a pauper. People like money.

Wakanda wasn’t invisible, only their high tech city was. The country was always there.

But without any recognition by the U.N. or neighboring countries - it was effectively invisible until the events of CA:CW

Huh whah? I thought the deal was that pre-CA:CW Wakanda was effectively “masquerading as an impoverished third-world country” with a strongly isolationist policy that rejected engaging in international trade or accepting international aid. So other countries didn’t interact with it much (once they had gotten over their early modern phase of constantly trying to invade it), but they knew it was there.

MCU Wiki sez that King T’Chaka officially represented Wakanda at the Bilderberg Conference in the 1980s, which does not exactly count as international invisibility.

By the time of CA:CW, the Wakandans are already being invited to sign the Accords and sending aid missions to other African countries, that isn’t exactly “effectively invisible”. And it was well-known to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a hotspot as early as IM2.

King T’Chaka: When stolen Wakandan vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon, we in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy. Those men and women killed in Nigeria were part of a goodwill mission from a country too long in the shadows. We will not however, let misfortune drive us back. We will fight to improve the world we wish to join.

Even though they weren’t invisible, the fact they were using their secret tech to run multiple covert intelligence & espionage ops all over the world, including the good ol’ US of A, is going to make everyone very suspicious and antsy.