Usually within several seconds to minutes of waking in the morning you almost totally forget what you had just dreamt. Is there a chemical responsible for this amnesia? If so, has this chemical ever been created synthetically?
A had a psychology teacher in college who described this dream amnesia. I believe he claimed that when you sleep, your brain shuts down its muscle “control center” and uses this region of your brain while dreaming. When you awaken and start to move around you usually forget your dreams. I have found that if I lie in bed awake, my dreams will come back to me with some clarity.
…but then again, maybe I just dreamed the whole college experience
I heard that that part of the brain doesn’t shut down, but something near the madulla(sp?) suppresses the signals being sent to the body, and problems with this part of the brain cause somnambulism. Its highly likely that I am 100% wrong though.
Also, most people have never really tried to make themselves remember their dreams, so when they want to, they can’t do it.
Remembering your dreams is something you can work on; it just takes time and practice and patience.
Well I’ve never practiced, but even right when I wake up I don’t remember a thing. But I do remember 2 distinct and recurring nightmares. One is me in a box factory folding an endless amount of boxes and the onther is me walked into an endless amount of rooms with 8 doorways, no matter which one I take I get to the same identical room. Sorry to go a little off track, I think there is already a thread on this by the way. Happy searching
I hate it when I do remember dreams - it’s a sure sign that I didn’t sleep all that well. When I get a good night’s sleep, I drift off and wake up like somebody flipped a switch. I’ve always wondered how normal this is.