And in other news, bear shit found in woods.
Sorry, I guess she’s just always pinged my gaydar.
OTOH, she’s a shill for Applebees’, so she still has that to be ashamed about.
This was a bit of a surprise to me, but my gaydar is nearly hopeless when it comes to women.
Hey, this thread has been open for over 24 hours without anybody taking the effort to post how much they don’t care that she’s gay. I think that’s a record for a “(somebody) is gay” thread.
I’ll take the effort to post that I have absolutely no idea who she is.
African-American stand up comic and actress… Best known for New Adventures of Old Christine and for playing herself in Curb Your Enthusiasm. She did a lot on Crank Yankers too, though you’d only know her voice from that. Wanda Sykes - Wikipedia
She was married to a man for seven years so it’s no surprise that she didn’t ping most people’s gaydar.
This has to be tough for Crazy Eyez (sp?).
Who’da thought Biggie Shorts was gay? Guess she got tired of waiting for Pootie.
(Btw, POOTIE TANG will someday be recognized as classic cinematic comedy and be shown every Christmas.)
She also played a congressional aide in Evan Almighty.
Nope, never thought she might be gay… and don’t care one way or the other.
Ironically, didn’t they just have an episode of Old Christine where Sykes and Christine get married, in a “secure a green card” scenario?
No, no, that’s not it. That’s an optometrist. Maybe with a K?
It wasn’t much of a marriage if her stand up routine is anything to go by. I wish I remember more of it, or even exactly how it went.
Bye kiss
What the fuck did you just say to me?
Not only do I not care, but I came in to ask how “gaydar” is not the kind of bigotry that doomed Prop 8.
Gays aren’t comical stereotypes. They’re just people. You can’t ping them.
I’m not looking to start a fight. “Gaydar” just pushes a button for me.
I think you’re misunderstanding what the term “gaydar” actually means. It’s not about comical stereotypes, it’s simply the ability to recognize if someone else is gay. In fact, it’s primarly about recognizing if someone is gay when they don’t display any stereotypical gay behavior. For reasons that I hope are obvious, it’s pretty important for gay people to be able to tell if someone else is gay. I don’t see any problem in having a name for this ability.
I’ve heard the term “gaydar” used by far more gay people than straight.
I don’t know a man who’d have Wanda Sykes. I find her repulsive.
The term “gaydar” clever and innocuous. I suppose there are those who take offense at the suggestion that a person’s sexual orientation might be perceptible to others, but sexuality is all about sending out signals.
Also, it isn’t just about appearances, or mannerisms for that matter. Sometimes gaydar is set off by the way in which one talks about one’s life (or not), use of certain pronouns, etc., places/events one frequents (not always conclusive), etc.
Re: Wanda – I never had a clue.
And nigger is used by more black people than whites. But many blacks have called for its use to end, even by other blacks, because having turned an offensive term into an in-group expression no longer works the way it once did.
Gays also call themselves queers and fags. All that’s gotten them is having gay itself turned into an all-purpose insult. Dude, that’s so gay.
At some point you have to look at your terminology and ask yourself whether it helping you or hurting you.
When gays were first outing themselves a term like gaydar made cultural sense. Today, when gay marriage is judicially legal in two states but has been defeated in referendums in 30 states, gaydar implies little except that gays are identifiably different and that’s an excuse for keeping them legally different.
I’d rather see legal gay marriage than gaydar. Maybe in a better world we could have both. I don’t live in that better world and I’m putting my two cents in. Maybe I’ll change a mind.
You’re actually comparing “gaydar” to “nigger”? That’s seriously one of the more bizarre things I’ve ever seen here. I mean, just for starters, gaydar isn’t, and has never been, a derogatory term. For another, it was invented and is primarily used by the group you’re claiming it disparages. I’ve never heard a homophobe use the term “gaydar.” Lastly, the term serves a useful function in language to describe an ability or faculty that many people possess, and rely on in forming intimate relationships.
So, you’re saying that, because some gay people use “queer” or “fag” to describe themselves, this has caused other people to use “gay” as a perjorative? If no one had ever self-identified as “queer,” no one would be using “gay” as an insult? That’s a remarkable bizarre claim there, Exapno. Do you have anything to support it?
That’s a pretty strong implication, there, and I’m not sure where you’re drawing it from. Gays are different from straight people: they’re attracted to people of their own gender, while straights are attracted to the opposite. That’s a non-negligible difference, and not one that anyone, on either side of the gay rights debate, is interested in glossing over. The debate is to what extent that difference should influence a person’s rights and responsibilities in society. I do not see how defining the ability for gay men and women to identify others in their minority group effects that debate one way or the other.
Right. The main barrier to legalized gay marriage isn’t entrenched prejudice of the majority. It’s gaydar that’s keeping us down.
Seriously: if I see a gay who I think is attractive, and I get the impression that he’s maybe interested in me, that’s gaydar in action. How does creating a label for that awareness negatively impact gay rights? That’s an absolutely absurd supposition.
I’m confused- are you offended at the reality that certain gay people can be identified as being gay, or the fact that there’s a term for such an identifiability?