Want suggestions for flip score card

I’d like to make (or buy?) a 0-10 judges flip card scoring device.

To get an idea of what I’m talking about look at thisand this.

I want some suggestions on how to make a few of these.
In a simpler version I’m thinking printing out (and laminating) 6 sheets of paper with 0-10 printed on them (using front and back). Maybe punch holes in the top and put rings through them so you could just flip to the number you want.

My Google-Fu is weak today, and I cant find what I’m looking for online, plus I wouldn’t mind making them.

If I don’t use laminated paper, what are some other rigid type products I could use?
corrugated plastic sheetsmight work. I wonder if six of them would be too unwieldy?

Hmm I wonder how well thin plywood would work? I could affix a handle to one of the sheets… think of a ping pong paddle with other thin paddles attached to the top with rings?

So help me brainstorm this. What suggestions/ideas do you guys have?

I don’t know the industry term, but places like Target and Walmart have what could be described as steno books with plastic pages. Each page has a digit, and you just flip it to show the desired digit and slide the top spiral into a channel for display.

Perhaps some rooting around store fixture dealers could reveal the name - that industry has some seriously weird names for things like aisle violators, spring-loaded pushers and pole stars.