"Warehouse 13" to end next season after six episode run

It doesn’t say, but I can only guess, going by past precedent, that the last six episodes will be aired at random over a 12-15 month period.

I thought it was a huge hit and one of their top-rated shows. Why?

It’s getting in the way of the wrasslin’, ghost-huntin’ & talkin’ to dead folks?

It’s SYFY - you were expecting logic?

W13 completely lost me in the first half of Season 4. We’ve been going to pick up on the new eps, but dinner time discussion has shown that all four of us have no coherent recollection of S4 part 1.

It’s obviously disappointing when a show I like has to come to an end, but it’s had a pretty good life, so I can’t feel too broken up. And no, Mahaloth, the ratings don’t indicate that canceling the show is unwarranted; they’re a fraction of what they used to be, with the most recent episode setting a series low. I’m glad they get one more season, however truncated. It gives them plenty of time to tie up their loose ends and not rush the inevitable Pete-Myka pairing.

I wish they hadn’t given Eureka the chance to wrap things up. It should have just ended without a final season.

I think their scheduling hurt the ratings some. This season started on July 23th last year, then took a break from October 2nd to April 29th, approximately a 7 month hiatus. It will be June at minimum before this 20 episode season ends. I don’t think it’s easy to maintain an audience, or momentum, when there’s a huge break in the middle of the season. I had to go back and re-watch the October 2nd episode to remember were they left off.

It was a very weird thing to do. It reminds me of what they used to do to Farscape and Battlestar.

I see Farscape once took a 5 month break mid-season, which is not as bad. Battlestar didn’t, but it did wait more than one calendar year between seasons 3 and 4.

Something will happen to Artie, and Claudia will run the joint.

Well, Claudia is supposedly being groomed to be Mrs. Frederic’s replacement, with some kind of physical link to the Warehouse. If something happens to Artie, it should be Pete and/or Myka taking over his duties.

That’s worse! :slight_smile:

I think that should read “HG-Myka pairing,” but that’s just my adolescent brain talking.

THIS I can support! But a Myka-HG-Pete tripling would be okay, too.

So with this show gone, will there be any sci-fi left on SYFY?

Isn’t anyone else tired of Eddie McClintock playing a character at least ten years younger than his calendar age? OTOH, I will miss Joanne Kelly’s Botticelli beauty…

If Defiance doesn’t get renewed again…

Does he? Is Pete younger than the actor?

Yes, Pete seems to be a permanent 35yo or younger - jokey, sweatshirt, anti-intellectual beer-thumpin’ Duuuuuude clown type. McClintock is 45 and Pete looks it - too old. Too old to be a love-ish counterpart to Myka (who looks 28-30ish, Joanne Kelly is 35).

I guess you could count wrestling, it being scripted and all.