Warheads: serious sado-masochism for the 8-14 age group...

So we’re standing around after church, and I see that my 10-year-old daughter has candy. “Oh, did your teacher give you candy?”
“Yes, Mrs. X gives us candy for saying our memory verses.”
“She gave you Warheads?
“HER kids like them.”
“Yes, but she’s got three boys.”
La Principessa shrugs and puts one in her mouth. I say, “Sweetie, you know you don’t like those…” She shrugs again, mumbling, “It’s candy…”

I watch her dear little face squinch up horribly, as she struggles desperately to hold her mouth shut. I grab a nearby plastic-lined Sunday School wastebasket. “Spit it out, sweetie,” I implore her. Stubbornly she shakes her head. She is determined to eat this piece of so-called candy. Helplessly, a river of drool begins to flow out of her closed mouth and down her trembling chin. Again I offer the wastebasket. This time she takes me up on it, spits it out, with an expression of vast relief.

So at lunch we’re sitting here discussing it, and Bonzo, Middle Child, Only Son, who is all of 13, says with a lordly air, “Pooh, one Warhead, that’s nothing.”
I say, “What’s the most Warheads you ever had in your mouth at one time?”
He says, “Six.”
I inquire, in horrified fascination, “What was it like?”
He relates with grim relish, “Well, your whole face is like this << >> and you’re trying to keep your mouth shut, like this << >> and it’s like these G-forces are building up inside your mouth, and then you get to the really sweet part, and it’s really gross, because it’s SOOO sweet, and it’s like really slimy, and usually a couple of them just go right down your throat.”

And all I could say was, "Why?"

I think I had a Warhead in my mouth one time, for about 3 seconds. That was enough for me.

All I can say is, “Why?”

Status and bragging rights come to mind. It sure beats playing “chicken” (in any of its myriad variations) as a test of bravery.

And for the record, I’m not sure how they compare, but I once had 13 Atomic Fireballs in mouth at once on a dare, and chewed and swallowed them all.

When I was a kid we used to CHEW Jawbreakers. I don’t remember the lnd speed record, but I think we were more successful when we threw them at eachother (on asphalt, concrete, whatever) than trying unsuccessfully to bite through them.

It’s sort of like comparing scars, I guess.

I love warheads! I like sour things, generally. I also like to eat lemon quarters. Just bite down and suck the juice out. I love the sensation of my jaw muscles siezing up and the sour flavor. Yeah, I’m strange. Anyone else have the same tastes as I?

mmmmm. lemon quarters with just a dash of rock salt… good stuff. You’re not alone, Derleth

I’ve never had a Warhead, but I just discovered Sour Skittles-- same flavors as original Skittles, but coated in some god-awful sour powder. They are painful, but boy are they good. You might like 'em, Derleth.

I bet kids go for this stuff because it’s a way to look cool without risking bodily harm, unless you count the choking risk inherent in cramming lots of candies into your mouth at once. And being kids, they probably don’t.

I used to work at a candy store, so I built up quite a resistance to Warheads. Ever try the fizzy kind? They’re not as sour, but they tingle. I can also put eight Altoids in my mouth at once.

My penchant is for Shocktarts. They are 5 flavors of hard but chewey sour candies. You stick em’ in your mouth and lav off all the sour coating then you chew on the fruit flavored candies underneath. I at least admit that I am Masochistic…




One of my friends is addicted to the liquid spray form of warheads. This, IMHO, is only good if it’s a couple of sprays. He tends to do 20-30 sprays all at once.

My TWENTY year old son (they never really grow up)has been known to eat so many that his tongue peels from all the citric acid…I do not understand!

I work at a grocery store sitting around supervising so i eat a lot of candy. Sour skittles are my fav now. I’ve probably eated about 5 pounds of the stuff. :smiley:

Altoids are great! I love that strong mint flavor. It gets up into your nose like good pepper spices do. Why do some humans gravitate toward extremely strong flavors? Thing is, I can’t stand hot flavors well. I could eat dozens of lemons raw and suck mint oil until my face turned blue and never once question that those flavors taste good. Yet I honestly cannot stand one of those little atomic fireballs, to say nothing of authentic Louisiana gumbo. Strange.

As a kid, a buddy introduced me to the joys of straight citric acid, which I took a liking to, because I like the taste of lemons. Extra fun was mixing it with bicarb of soda and ramming it into your mouth - looks as good as it sounds! :stuck_out_tongue:


Be careful, Henry. Citric acid is well known as a ‘gateway’ acid to harder acids, like hydrochloric, sulphuric, lactic, or ascorbic.


HS, thou fool! In the 1900’s people used that combination as a purgative!