Lately, I notice alot of people getting reamed for posting rants about things that aren’t so polite to be feeling. When I first got here (to the SDMB) and saw the way it was broken down into forums, I was really excited. I thought to myself, they’ve allowed for every type of human expression and interest here. Most of the forums are pretty easy to understand. Religion and politics in GD, general chit-chat in MPSIMS, factual questions in GQ, Art & Entertainment in Cafe Society. It’s all covered. . .
Then the Pit. Now, my first thought about this forum was that it is a place where we can feel free to spew those nasty thoughts we all have from time to time. How cool, I thought, that they would allow a place for humans to embrace (and perhaps in the process purge) their shadow side. If I think to myself “Hell, I’d like to shoot this Ice Cream guy in the face for being a Mets fan!” then I can simply come in here and post it instead of actually loading up the .357 and going to ice (or should I say “cream”) his punk ass.
How cool, I thought, that they provide a place to vent these ugly feelings. How great to have a place where we can purge ourselves of negativity without worry. How wonderful to be able to accept that these emotions are (unfortunately) part of the human experience, and that they can have a place in a Pit somewhere instead of in the streets. When I was in therapy as a child (I had some pretty serious anger issues), one of the exercises a therapist recommended to me was to write down every negative thing I felt. Not to show him - not to show anybody (unless I wanted to). He suggested the act of writing out your ugliest thoughts and emotions could be a way of relieving yourself of their influence on your life/attitude. It was a pretty effective strategy for me. Instead of acting out on these thoughts, I wrote them down, which seemed to be at least as effective of a release valve as would be yelling at some poor schmoe to vent.
I thought the Pit was one big “negativity journal”. That is to say I thought it was a valve to help release these negative feelings. Well, I had the pit all wrong. This aint that place. This thread is a kind of warning to anyone who thinks it will be cool and fine to post an ugly thought here. Instead the Pit is actually a place for mild rants about not so evil feelings, unless of course you crave getting attacked, jumped on, mocked, scorned, and insulted, and possibly banned. Now, I’m not saying this is good or bad. It simply IS, so one must deal.
If you find yourself thinking REALLY ugly thoughts, and wanting to vent, perhaps a private online Journal would be a better option. I only bring this up, because I’ve seen a pattern happen so many times it’s starting to make me ill:
- Angry doper posts thread revealing ugly emotions
- Self righteous dopers declare Angry doper to be cruel and evil
- Angry doper is outraged
- Train wreck, high horses, and meltdowns round out the party
So, a word to the wise, don’t bash anything here unless you feel it would be acceptable to say the same in polite company. Despite the name of the forum, vitriol and ugliness are met with attacks and scorn, rather than understanding and empathy (note that neither would require agreement to be offered, but that doesn’t seem to matter).
This board, unfortunately, is not an all encompassing answer to the wide range of human experience (There STILL is no “Weapons & Pornography” forum). While a board which allowed for the whole of human expression (good and evil), while maintaining the intellectual level of the members this board (means usenet is out), would be mad cool, there would, as a result, be alot of issues brought up which the staff and The Reader would rather not deal with. Such is their right.
Of course, if you crave abuse and train wrecks, then step right up and spew your worst, but if you are looking for a place to vent your worst without judgement or chastisement, this is not that place. I personally feel that cruelty and ugliness are in us all, and it is good to have a way to deal with those emotions in a positive manner. I just want to point out that posting them in this forum just doesn’t seem to be that way.
Does this make any sense? Do I need to provide some examples?
DaLovin’ Dj