Was ‘Gimme a light’ the best set of commercials ever to introduce a product?

Regardless of what you think of Bud Light beer, the 1980s series of commercials to introduce the product were excellent.

Lite beer from Miller was one of the few light beers available back then. So, ‘I’ll have a lite’ was the common way to order the beer.

So, when Budweiser decided to introduce Bud Light, they had to find a way to differentiate their product from just a light beer. Especially when many drinkers honestly didn’t care. They rolled out a series of commercials featuring someone in a bar saying ‘Gimme a light.’ They’d then receive some sort of lamp rather than a beer and immediately correct themselves to order Bud Light.

Here’s one example, there’s plenty on YouTube. Bud Light "Gimme a Light" Commercial 1 (1986) - YouTube

I don’t know, but it was certainly memorable. I totally forgot about that little musical theme that went along with it, but watching the commercial brought back memories. Going to a Catholic school, I do remember somebody reading through Genesis 1, and when the part of “And God said ‘Let there be light’” was spoken, some wisecracker yelled out “no, Bud Light!”

I think the first post-Challenger disaster joke I heard was:

What was Challenger’s last transmission?
No, Bud Light.

I also remember a guy in the dorms who would light his farts and then exclaim “no, Butt Light!!”