First of all, I can’t believe I watched this show. Standard train wreck analogy applies I guess: it was so horrible, I just couldn’t look away.
Then I noticed that one of the women on the show looks an awful lot like one of the women on that show love cruise. (Ok, so I’m embarassed that I watched that show too). Could it possibly be the same person?
Only one problem with that - Toni is NOT the first repeat character in reality-TV history. The first that I noticed (and she may not be the first) is Nikki from American Idol 1. (The horrible singer that somehow came in 3rd). She first appeared on Pop Stars as one of the finalists not chosen to join the group, “Eden’s Crush.”
Yes, I’m a reality show junkie from waaaay back.
And I’m so bummed I missed Paradise Hotel. I adored Love Cruise. Yes, I know I have an illness.