was the board down for anybody but me for the last several hours?

I’ve been unable to reach the Dope for several hours, but now I don’t see anyone else mentioning it, and there doesn’t seem to have been any real break in others’ postings.

Just me?

Not just you. I was unable to load anything but the front page from about midday till just now. I mentioned it on Fathom early this evening and another person was having the same experience.

I have been able to access it over the past five hours with no problem.

Perhaps there was a cave-in on just one of the Intarweb’s tunnels.

I think the Interweb was experiencing some glitches last night; I had some sites I could get to no problem, but others I couldn’t get to at all. But according to my “last on,” I was here at 10:35 last night! I wasn’t getting any error messages for sites I couldn’t get to either, it was most annoying. laughs Of course, the sites I most wanted to visit were the ones I couldn’t get to, isn’t that always the way it happens?! Seems to be working okay now (crosses fingers and knocks on wood three times!).

Not tunnels – tubes.


Well, damn. I’d better go look up the good senator for an in-depth tutorial before I embarrass myself any further.


I didn’t notice anything at all. It couldn’t have been a global server problem.

I’m gonna suggest that a few double posts today would indicate that something occurred. Whose problem it was, I do not know.

No problems for me really.

I didn’t have any problems Thursday night, but last night (9:30ish EDT) it took forever to load (several minutes) and was very slow once it loaded.