"Was the mon landing a hoax?" Article

Hey, I’m doing a report, and tghis is one of my sources, and since the author’s name is SDSTAFF David, my English teacher questions the article’s credability, so I was wondering if you could provide me with:
A list of sources for the article
David’s full name

I don’t mean to rush, but I kind of need a response Friday before3:00meastern time.
THanks for any help you may provide me with,

David B is one of moderators of this board, as well as a member of the Straight Dope Science Advisory Board. He wrote that article in his SDSAB capacity.

I don’t want to speak for David, or to give out information about him, but I think this is safe: Since he a current member and a moderator, you can view his profile, which has links to email him and to his homepage. The link to his public profile is here:


I’d email him and ask your questions directly. Keep in mind he may be busy and not respond quickly, but that’s probably your best bet to get the information about the article (assuming he saved it).

David is a fairly well known person in the skeptical community, and has written articles published in various magazines and publications around the country. I think that if you can get the info on his references and sources, that combined with David’s own credentials make for a very credible source.

Good Luck.

Don’t overlook Phil Plait’s Bad Astronomy web site. It’s available now, before your homework deadline. :wink:

The article refers to the film “Capricorn One” as having come out in 1977. According to IMDB, that movie came out in 1978

I now depart, giving myself hearty congratulations on the level of my anal retentiveness. :smiley:

And in no way should the dust on the moon be refered to as ‘soil’. Soil is what the Earth has and contains organic material. The moon’s surface is 100% rock.

But a good article all the same. :slight_smile:

Hey FG, how would you differentiate between “Rock” and “Dust”? Or does the dust count as rock?

Merriam Webster disagrees with you:

(Yeah, OK, it says planet but I think the second definition can apply to other bodies in the solare system as well.)

Okay…why does the 1978 matter if the moon landing was in in 1969?
Anyway, I can’t access his acc. because I’m merely a guest member… and I’m not exactly willing to pay to see it for one homework assignment.
Could someone copy and paste it into an email and send it to me? My email is

This thread reminds me of high school. All I could think about was landing on the mons.

And all your stories were hoaxes.

The moon landing was not a hoax!!!
(I think the high school thing was because of my name) :wally


Stu first look at your spelling in the title. Then look at post 9 and 10. If you need to look up the word mons.

I have emailed David to call his attention to this thread. I’ve also deleted your email address, stupidfresh, since I don’t think it’s a good idea to have it publicly posted. David can get in touch with you through his secret Moderator Powers.