Wasabi-Flavored Kit Kat

A Thai reporter of my acquaintance returned from Japan this week and brought me a wasabi-flavoured Kit Kat chocolate bar. Quite good! It really did taste like wasabi, only not heavy. Not heavy at all. The bar had a green coating over it such as you see in the picture on the box in the link. A slight taste of wasabi mixed with chocolate. The teensiest little wasabi nose burn. I’d buy some if I could.

But it seems these are available only in the Japanese market, along with other unique flavors such as Cherry Blossom and Ginger Beer. Clicking on the little boxes lined up toward the bottom of the link will show some.

It’s not as cheap as a KitKat, but at least one other source for wasabi + chocolate is in Vosges’ Black Pearl chocolate bar, which has dark chocolate, wasabi, ginger, and black sesame seeds.

Haven’t bought a kitkat bar in ages, but I’d buy the wasabi or ginger beer flavors.

My mom managed to get ahold of one from somewhere-or-other (I think a friend of hers visited Japan), and saved it for me. It mostly just tasted like white chocolate, with the merest hint of wasabi flavor hiding in the back of it. Certainly far better than most Japanese sweets I’ve tried.

Highly recommended! It’s one of their truffles, but also available as a candy bar. The Naga and Oaxaca are equally as good.

(Careful though - My wife used to love Godiva, but Vosges has ruined her for other chocolates now…)

I would buy that and try it out. Sounds neat.

FYI, you can order these and other Kit-Kat flavours (including Green Tea, Strawberry and “Hot Cake”) from J-List. I’ve ordered stuff from them in the past; they’ve got some cool Japanese products – pop culture, manga, games, food, etc. if you’re into that kind of thing. Not exactly cheap, and shipping – as you might expect – is on the order of weeks. But if you simply must try these…

NOTE: the site carries adult products as well, and parts of it are NSFW (although the link above is OK).

The AV Club just reviewed some weird-flavored Kit Kats. They said the pancake ones were amazing.

Mike and Tom Eat Snacks also did an episode about Japanese Kit Kats.

I will definitely be on the lookout for those in the US.

What is it about Kit Kats that lends themselves to such odd flavorings?

I never would have considered it myself. I suspect it’s the wafer and lack of nuts. You can’t really make a Snickers bar anything but stuff and nuts. You can’t make a Hershey bar anything but chocolate with a hint of something else. But you can manipulate those wafers to complement anything you decide to do with the outer coating.

I’m guessing that’s why the hotcake version did so well. Maple flavored wafers and butter flavored white chocolate. A+!

That sounds really good. I love chocolates with hot pepper, the wasabi would be kind of the same but different.

I suppose one could take a standard Kit Kat and smear a bit of wasabi on it. Doubt it would be the same though.

When a bacon flavored Kit-Kat bar arrives, all world Communism will be destroyed.

Ha! Yes, that will be the pinnacle of capitalism. It’ll all be downhill from there.

+1 on getting Nippon-only Kit-Kats from J-list. The varieties are endless and we love them, especially when sampled out of a Christmas stocking and accompanied with a nice cup of green or black tea. Nui Ono!