Well you can tell it’s an election year…
Our wonderful elected officials in Washington are doing everything they can to sidestep issues that might really matter. Bet they were all doing the happy dance when Janet Jackson flashed her boob thinking that they could call for broadcast decency hearings and drag this nonsense out for months (hopefully till the election).
Much better than trying to deal with spending cuts, social security reform, etc.
We should kick all their asses out of office.
Go get 'em.
Sadly, the new bosses will end up quite a bit similar.
Sad but true…
However if we continue to treat the status quo as acceptable, then we are truly getting what we deserve. I’d rather take the chance on possible improvement than guaranteeing nothing will ever change by continuing to re-elect the same assholes over and over.
I have quite a bit of sympathy for elected officials required by duty to confronted the pressing issue of what to do about Janet Jackson’s tit. As much as your Senator or Representative may wish to avoid the issue, as much as he may regard the whole thing as a tempest in a tea kettle, as much as he may see it as an inconsequential bit of press agentry not worthy or deserving of the attentions of the national legislature, in the end he must accept that in times of crisis such as these he has a solemn obligation to self, constituents and the very nation to stand up on his hind legs and play to the peanut gallery.
I’m sure that elections have nothing to do with the unseemly scramble to appear on the Six O’clock News pointing with alarm and perceiving with dismay. Will no one think of the children?