Let’s try this again, shall we?
In this thread, Ace0Spades makes a truly shocking claim:
I don’t know whether to be amused or surprised. Ace, more left-wing than V.I. Lenin, who believes every corporate conspiracy theory in America provided that the token Republicans are involved, is evidently an unabashed racist.
His casual remark has several unsettling implications.
It places the interpretation of individual conduct firmly within the purview of the ethnic/religious/racial majority. If members of a disadvantaged minority group fail to buck the “stereotype,” somehow they are inviting ethnic insults.
It creates a behavioral double standard. White, Anglo Protestants only have to endure personal insults when they are cheap. But, god forbid, if a Jew is cheap, then by all means, let the majority invoke popular prejudice against his religion and ethnicity in addition to personal aspersions against his character.
It creates in environment in which it is actually permissible to invoke said stereotypes, an environment in which ignorance thrives.
It puts an undue burden on members of minority groups to cast off the stereotype actively instead of enjoining members of the majority to battle their own ignorance. Why should blacks, Jews, and the French change just because Ace0Spades chooses to persist in his unreasoned opinions?
By all means, Ace, call me a crank. But if I were you, I would be careful what stereotypes you are invoking on yourself.