Watch out for stoned bunnies

*Here comes Peter Cottontail
Bombin’ down a 'shiner trail
Ahead of Cops and Staties and DEA…!

Bringin’ every girl and boy
Bowlfuls of “Hawaiian Joy”
To make your nights feel happy, straight or gay…!*

Missed the edit window

But… wait a minute! Who’ll look out for poor Baby Groot…?

The DEA seems comically desperate to preserve their gravy train. Why don’t they just ask Colorado if they’re having a stoned bunny problem?

Is there anyone out there thinking, “they should legalize medical marijuana. Wait, stoned bunnies??? Now I’m against it!”


The larger and very real issue of acute environmental damage caused by illegal pot farms would actually go away if legalized and regulated.

Scare tactics defending prohibition like this just smack of the circular reasoning they have to use to justify it. Pot is illegal because it’s bad, and bad because it’s illegal.

Let’s just see how far the rabbit hole goes.

And if stoned bunnies are criminalized, only criminals will have stoned bunnies.

Do any of the commercial grow ops even grow outdoors any more? My understanding is that producing quality weed requires strict control over temperature & lighting, so it’s all done indoors in hydroponic setups, where you’d think a rabbit problem would be a little more easily controlled…

Yeah, I think the legit grows are indoors, but there’s also interest in hemp farming, but that’s not psychoactive. As it becomes more accepted and less illegal, I’m sure we’ll see outdoor grows of recreational pot too, if not already. How do farmers keep bunnies out of their crops? The only bunnies getting to pig out on pot would probably be around the guerilla grows out in the national parks etc, and as far as I’m concerned, we should train bunnies to go out, find them, and gobble them all up.

Do you know what happens to the environment when a large group of guerrilla bunnies gets the munchies? It’s not a pretty sight, man.

Hmm, can you get stoned from eating stoned rabbit? That opens up some interesting possibilities…

Little-known fact: the bunny that attacked President Carter was suffering from Reefer Madness.

nm, duplicate.

That link didn’t work for me so I offer

just to keep this thread (ahem) hopping along.

It puts a new perspective on pancake bunny, doesn’t it? :smiley:

Tip: When you see that kind of message (“This site does not allow blahblahblah…”), you can often just click in the address bar and hit Enter to make it load. That makes it look like you are loading it from that site, rather than from a hotlink.

Terrific! Thanks!

I, for one, welco…No! I won’t do it.

The caption under the picture cracked me up.

There’s outdoors farms in Spain, officially for “personal use” because that’s legal, but “personal” includes sharing with your friends; these farms are associated with “smokers’ clubs” that can be joined by invitation only, so they count as “sharing with your pals”. I expect that you’ll need different setups depending on local conditions; the areas where I know farms like that have pretty moderate variations in temperature and humidity.

I probably should bring that one to the loopholes thread, but it’s pretty much an intended hole, as well as being the size of a Ferris wheel.