Okay. The title is inaccurate. We are going to die, all of us, eventually. I accept that. But let me state something I’m pretty damn sure of: if there is some sort of biological/chemical attack on the US, it will NOT be on a suburb in New Jersey (and sure as hell not on a shitty high school in said suburb), and locking up the doors and hiding in ‘low-ventilation’ areas isn’t gonna save you.
AFAIK, the cold war ended, umm…forty some years ago? Jesus, if someone DOES realease, like, smallpox into the philly region, we’re not going to know right away. So when we find out, let’s go hide in the wrestling room or the old auditorium or the new science labs which aren’t, like, held together by masking tape? IT WILL NOT HELP. Having a guidance counselor available to talk about our feelings WILL NOT HELP. Taking up half of first period tomorrow when I COULD be being productive, since I have over a hundred pages of art research due in, like, a month which I cannot get an extension on (damn external assesments…), I really, REALLY don’t want to waste half of art class to reinvent cold-war ‘kiss your ass goodbye’ drills.
Grrrr. Your job as the school is to TEACH us. NOT to fill the idiotic masses with even more baseless fears than are already out there. :mad:
[ nitpick ] The cold war ended shortly after you were born. [ /nitpick ]
(I agree that most of the current hoopla–including Bush contradicting his own security czar–are of the same quality as the old “duck and cover” films.)
Well, maybe you don’t think it’s worthwhile but I certainly do! I’m going to tie a plastic bag around my head myself–that’ll keep away all those toxic chemicals and nasty bugs!
I was driving in town yesterday with a friend. This is a small Canadian city (about 4000 people). It’s out in the middle of nowhere. At exactly 7 pm we heard this blaring siren thing. I had no idea what it was, turns out the city was doing a test of our “emergency system”.
And I live in a small town here in Ohio where we test our emergency siren every Monday morning. But when it went off on November 10, 2002 at about 3 in the afternoon, it was telling us about the F4 tornado that was heading toward the town. That is why small towns have those sirens.
Picture this: first period on the first full day of school in over a week (THANK YOU, SNOW GODS!!!) Four hundred students in my designated ‘safe area’. The supervisor who was supposed to be in charge did not show up.
There were DEFINITELY some bodily orifices I’d have LOVED to epoxy shut. Not mine (other than maybe my ears…)
Anyway, NinjaDad shared an amusing anecdote last night about how he had duck-and-cover drills in elementary school. NinjaDad grew up in Maryland, about…ten-fifteen minutes from DC. NinjaDad has a vintage map from a newspaper showing how, in the ‘best case’ scenario involving a nuclear bomb in DC (admittedly, a prime target), the vaporization zone would extend about a mile past his school.
Yeah, so that would have helped, just like our drills…:rolleyes:
Hell, I live a few hundred yards from one of Saddam’s favorite targets - the Kiryah or IDF command - and all I have is a government-issued gas mask and some bottled water. Duct tape? Plastic? That was old back in '91.
I also ride the bus, eat in restaurant and shop in malls. So there.
THE GREAT CTHULHU does not fear terrorist attacks. Even if a nuke goes off, scifi movies have taught THE GREAT CTHULHU that the radiation will just make me even bigger than I am now.
THE GREAT CTHULHU does not fear terrorist attacks. Even if a nuke goes off, scifi movies have taught THE GREAT CTHULHU that the radiation will just make me into a horrible monster, which THE GREAT CTHULHU already is.